who do you think was or is a great genius of the world

Ooh, I was hoping to be first to mention him. He was undeniably a genius, and inifinitely cooler than Edison. And he was hideously under-rated, mainly because Edison hated him. But he was very cool.

Obviously, we have to have Leonardo Da Vinci. Utter genius. Also Jung is cool.

And Shakespeare maybe, I don’t know.

Whoever mentioned Bill Gates deserves to die… That man is evil. Although I suppose it is possible to be an evil genius.

And alexander Graham Bell wasn’t really a genius - sure, his invention made a pretty big impact on the world, but mostly through other people’s work. I would say that whoever had the bright idea of using phone lines to transmit data (ie. a modem) is a bigger genius.

I don’t know if I’d call Jung a genius or not, but he certainly had an incredibly creative mind beyond that of most humans.

In math: Leonhard Euler and Carl Gauss, in physics: Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, in music: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and all the Pink Floyd members.
I also consider Agatha Christy a genius; I love her works, especially those about Monsieur Poirot.

Mmm tough…my uncle of course he invented sliced bread :smile:

I say Leonardo Davinci and Riemann a german math genius.
Without Riemann…einstein never would have been taken seriously by science.
Riemann was a genius mathematic and a great friend of Einstein.
Einstein came to him with his ideas and he said i cant translate them to formulas…Riemann as a good friend and math genius translated Einsteins ideas into e=mc2 :smile:

So i say riemann is a genius lol

hooray for Einstein and hooray for riemann, and a capuccinno machine for Leonardo :grin:



As for ‘designing’ the Volkswagen, Herr Porshe designed it, Hitler only commisioned it as a arms funding rip off. Millions of working Germans paid a certain amount every week in order to eventually get the car. Only they didn’t. Only one was ever built, and the money was all poured into manuafacturing arms.

You don’t know anything about what you’re saying. East Germany was a Soviet-choked collectively industralised mess, it was West Germany that was the ‘free’ one and the one to hop over the wall to.

Hitler wasn’t a genius, he was a messed up mastermind who had Jew-hating, abusive, parents. And he wasn’t great at art either, the Vienna Art School didn’t accept him.

My genius would have to be Johnny von Neumann

Hands down, Manfred Mann.

yeah, hitler was a disgrace at art

“Whoever mentioned Bill Gates deserves to die… That man is evil. Although I suppose it is possible to be an evil genius.”

God Wannabe…how can you say that?? he must be very clever to have what he has. and he is no great creature, just a man! evil?? please, no human being is, even if he wanted to be!
oh, you know we come to a better place when we die…so you wish him good or bad?? :tongue:

hey what about Bethowen? and Tool are good but where comes to geniuses…RADIOHEAD!!! they have fallen from sky to bring us the softest musical meditation…

Oh yeah, forgot about Radiohead. I still prefer Tool, but they are one of my favorite bands as well. Certainly opposite sides of the spectrums and certainly masters of their realms.

i know some of you are going to downplay this and think lower of me because of it but hear me out.

trey parker and matt stone. yeah thats right the south park guys. these guys have been on top sence they were in film school. Their first movie which got so much attention in the underground cult of cinamma that there was actually a play created after it, they made whail still in film school. after that movie came south park. which blew up like crazy. and if one can get past the language and shock humor of it (Which i personally adore) the social satire is incredable, these are smart guys. and at the beginging of their run.
and no there not the greatest genius’ of all time, but hey if you can say shakespear, then i’m mentioning these guys. THe only difference is that shakespear had 400 years of attention.

i agree with you about south park creators.idx i dun care what you think so f*ck you

what film did they make that was turned into a play?

Trent Reznor!

I’m sorry to here it Shinta. I just wanted to clarify on some of the points you brought up. What did you expect when you said the Hitler was the greatest Genius who had ever lived? Did you expect someone informed otherwise to blindly accept the statement and move on? Such definitive false statements, be them opinions or otherwise, must be corrected in a similarly direct manner. I’m sure you understand that.

idx sorry ummm i was in a bad mood thanks for correctin my mistakes.and i didnt remeber sayin nething about him and his art
because i knew he sucked at tha.I am also not good at writing what i think so it may come out sounding that i am a simpleton,i am rather intelligent.again i apologize for yelling at you not listening