Who has ever flew?

YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!I have finally (last night) flew. Thank you all!!! At first I flew up by jumping, and forced myself to stay up. Then, I tilted my body forwards and was flying (think superman) and it was fun. But telekinetiks are still my strong point.

Oh i loooooooove flying… it’s my favorite thing to do… Most fun way to do it is either airbending or growing wings. Transforming into a bird is cool too tho! :grin:
Awww… i miss flying… I havent had a ld in months… :bambi:

I flew in my first one, pretty cool, but I still need to test my flying skills, such as how far, and how fast, etc.

I think that would be really cool to grow wings… I really want to try that

I dreamt i was flying last night! :grin: It was a ND though… I used some kind of weird magic pixie dust… o0

Same with me. Flying for me is like being underwater in a pool. You can just float around in the air and “swim” your way upwards.

In LDs, I often seem to float by default. Not fly, but just float above the ground like ghosts are supposed to do. It’s about as fast as walking, which is good. I recall floating right through doors and walls on some occasions, plus I’m invisible. Strange thing, because I’m not particularly interested in ghosts and don’t really expect to be like one in a LD.

Tonight, I wish to fly in an LD. And I can, because it’s my dream. :content:

I flew in my first one :grin:

I jumped off a building and started fly on my way down! It was cool :smile:

I’m gonna fly… if I EVER get an LD! Grrrrrr.

Using “If” is not a good way to get one :tongue:

I tried to flew yesterday, but I couldn’t do that for some reason O.o I made only few high jumps, every of them ended up by smashing me on ground… But I flew today :ebil: :tongue:

Me! Neo-style! I flew for the first time last night.

I fly in almost every one of my LD’s. Its never been hard, I just think about it, and get of the ground :fly:
Last time I sat in my car and suddenly it was flying just like a plane :grin:

I have flown in many dreams…I think it is rather boring acualy.

I flew last night. In front of me and to my left I saw grassy hills, and to my right I saw the suburbs. Oh, I love it.

I’ve done that in one dream, don’t know if it was ND or LD… but I flew the whole time

came pretty naturally

I have no problem flying but I do tend to have trouble coming down again. Sometimes I even start to float when I didnt really intend to.

I flew once in a dream before i knew about LDing.
I guess it was kinda semi-lucid…remember thinking “I can’t realize I’m dreaming, because then I’ll wake up”, don’t you just love dream-logic?
Anyways, I had a hot air balloon, then I summoned a hang glider, after a while I just flew

I have flown a good amount of times. I will always remember the first times! Now I can fly in low intensity lucid dreams more often. The two times I tried to fly I was at ‘my home’ in my dream, one my legs wouldnt lift up but the other I successfully went outside and looked up and did this funny stance and started to fly. I love it.

~*~cake eater

In my first LD. It wasn’t hard actually, I just started jumping and flaping my arms and instead of flying I was hovering, like I could move in any direction very easily. I started to get very exited but calmed myself down because I was feeling as if I was disappearing.

last time i flew i ennded up in outer space.