whoah its been awhile

ive decided to come back and try to LD again even though my mom told me not to. As far as i could tell she did not have a reason aside from not understanding it, and it is my mind right? im also glad to see some familar faces around still.


Welcome back to ld4all forum, not to against your mom or anything, but I think you should continue LDing. I have the same situation with my parents. They don’t like me “dreaming” at all. In fact I was “banned” from the forum for a month until I decided to pay for the computer and the internet access. They still bug me though.

Please continue dreaming, we all need to be more open-minded and perhaps soon we will change the way of the thinking. :smile:

Enjoy dreaming! :dream:

This is precisly why I don’t tell my parents about Lucid Dreaming. They aren’t very open minded when It comes to things like this and I know it would just make them unhappy. I sometimes feel bad that they don’t know about my stash of Dream books under my bed or the hours I spend on the forum, but It it my choice and if they do find out, which I’m sure they will one day, I think they’ll understand after a while. I just like to keep things easy with my parents. :smile:

Charotte. Are you sure it’s wise keeping them ALL under your bed? If they get discovered… and your parents aren’t understanding about LDing etc.

People are simply afraid of what they don’t understand (especially parents!). Welcome back spider-man. I’m sure you will find LDing very much worth the effort you put into it. The world belongs to dreamers! :happy:

yes, keeping one or two would be nice, hide the others that you don’t read far, far away. If they find a stash of 50 books all about “lucid dreaming” , “astral projection” , and “out of body experience” , they are gonna freak like they’ve never freaked before.

Welcome back, and uh, don’t get caught lucid dreaming. :grin:

Moogle got a good point… it wouldn’t be a good idea to hide all of them in your bed. It’d be better if you put some in one area, and other in different areas so if you parents find one area, it wouldn’t be like 1,000 books to discover. It would be less “tramuatic” for them. You know what I’m trying to say?

And yes world belongs to us, the dreamers. :wink:

You could also - being very casual and nonchalant - try mentioning LDing to your parents. While eating breakfast, “Oh, a friend told me about this practice where one can become conscious in their dreams…”

I’m sympathetic to those who have to hide their LDing interest from their parents, keeping it under the bed as it were, but for some reason, it seems kind of funny to me. Whereas traditionally, girly magazines and stuff are kept under the bed, now we’re hiding stuff that is good for the mind. Maybe that says something as to the direction society is heading? Let’s hope so! :happy:

welcome back

I have to hide those when my friends or guests come over, my parents just ignore them

Well if your parents learned to ingore them, dont u think your friends will?

…I would say NO. Your parents are abnormal. That’s good.
If your friend(s) (is a)(are) teenager(s), it’s insults o rama. That’s what I’ve suffered. Well, then I can always brag about dream sex (well, they don’t know that I haven’t done it yet!) to shut them up. Er, so such shut-up factor for parents. :grin:

ya good point. I stashed a few books away behind my bookshelf (which I never move) and now just have my DJ under my bed :smile: I’m telling my mom a lot about my dreams now, almost every day I tell her a dream just so she gets used to the idea. I actually think she wouldn’t mind after today when my sister got a tatoo, now she doesn’t really care what I do as long as it’s not body mutilation, and since that’s not something I was planning to do anyway, this is good for me :content:

I dont think it would be a problem if i told my parents, i think my mother atleast is very open minded about this stuff. She even told she had a couple of oobes when she was young, caused by some accident which made her unconscious.

Though i still dont tell even my family about lds though… I just learned to know that my sister also has lds, but i dont think she use it for anything other than waking herself up.

Funny I dreamt about Spider-man last night…

My parents tend to ask me why do you want to have a lucid dream?
I said: Because I can change it the way I like, make it a fanfic / tv episode if I wish (I hope to)… With a lucid dream I’ll be able to visualise Star Trek meets Smallville if I feel like it, or just fly around. It seems they have accepted it, and even the fact I keep a dream diary.

They didn’t like me taking Vitamin B complex, especially the first day when I took 2 of the pills. I did reassure them that I checked the maximum allowed doses etc… The fact I’m eating bananas is seen as unusual too (since bananas have B6…) because I generally didn’t eat any.

I think that some of you are emberassed to tell people that you are into dreaming. I would not avoid to tell someone that i am into it if i got a question about it, but i don’t see a reason to tell someone that hasn’t heard about it, who’s not open to understand. I’ve moved out so it is easier for me.

I think you should put your books there in the bookshelf (maybe not all 50 of them, but the best ones). Then you might get curious questions from your parents and friends, but take that as a good opportunity to explain what it is you are doing. If they don’t like you reading books they are bad parents, everyone wants their children to read.

And then next time you’ll put up one or two of your books about sex in the shelf :content:


I’m embarassed. And if I had a lucid dream book out in the open my mom would make sure it would be black and in the trash can by the next day.

I’m sure she’d do the same thing about the sex books, too.

Aye, what they don’t know can’t hurt 'em, that’s my motto…
I figure they don’t really NEED to know, and it’s probably just safer that way.