Whose DCs have said the strangest things?

I was in my class having a test with many other pupils. We were all quiet.
Then the teacher says: “If anyone say anything, you will regret.”
"Of all sudden, one of the pupils shouts as high as he can: “I LIKE TURTLES!!!”
Suddenly the teacher have a revolver, and he shoots the pupil in the head.
Then i shouted: “WHAT THE F***?!”
The teacher shot at me, but he missed.
Weird thing was, no one of the other pupils cared at all! Then i woke up.

I was on a train, but i couldn’t see anything.
Suddenly i regained my vision.
Then a DC appears right in front of me.
He have a blue suit, a tie, and a suitcase.
He looks at me for a few seconds…then he whispers:
“Wake up and smell the apple pies…”
Then he dissapeared.

In my LD, called me a friend on my cellphone and said that the “po*** images of him are ready” xDD

This made me laugh so hard! hahahahaha

Quoting a pretty old post but I had this too the other night. I saw a book in a LD called “Pariah and the Questions of Life” :eh: I had no idea pariah was a word (I even wrote periah in my DJ before I looked it up in the dictionary…) No only this but later that day I was reading a book and that word appeared. pretty spooky (and yes, I RC’d! :wink: )

Alright, since I remember… Mostly DC don’t talk in my dreams… I do :B But yeah,
I was bonking my head randomly into the mirror and wanted to go though. But I didn’t knew I was dreaming, then I saw my reflection on the wrong position. I said to my cousin,
Yeah, those things can happen in a dream.
Then I just realizied I was dreaming, lol

This DC didn’t exactly say anything too wierd, but everything else about him was odd.

In one LD I was looking for a certain character. There was a man outside mowing his lawn, so I walk up behind him, tap him on the shoulder and ask him if he’s seen the person in question. When he turned around, it was creepy as hell. Think of Michael Jackson’s hair put on to a stereotypical Mexican bandit. He looked at me, giggled like a girl, and said “no” in a really high falsetto voice. He then reached out to me and tried to touch me, but I slowly backed away.

Like said, the word “no,” wasn’t too wierd, but the way he said still freaks me out.

The other night a squirrel jumped up on my shoulder at the end of a dream and said “Now go relive it without living.” :bored:

I talked to myself the entire dream last night.

Endless babbling about things removed from video games before the release.

…Stop 'n Swop… twitch twitch

Years ago, in my dream there was a dead man and a DC told me that ‘when people die, the last thing they said would stay in their mouth just reversed’

A few days ago one of my friends was explaining me a CSI scene or maybe a scene from a movie (I did not pay much attention until I heard) she said in the scene the detective said ‘when a man dies last thing he has seen is stuck in his vision and that way they can find the killer’.

Whose DCs have said the strangest things? Part II