The main reason behind this post was the dream I had last night. Twice in my dream I got questioned how I got somewhere and I couldn’t explain it. The first time it was the middle of the night and I was at my aunts somehow, she asked me how I got there, I couldn’t supply an answer. Right after that I’m on a bridge near my house and I call my step dad and tell him something, I told him I was at my aunts and now I’m on this bridge. I straight up told him I didn’t know how I got there.
Why didn’t this cause me to become lucid?!!? Also I’ve been doing RC’s for over a month with no success. I’m starting to lose faith in my dreams of having a LD.
Well, some people it takes up to half a year to have an LD, so while youre not having much success, you should just “put it on the back burner”; just occasionaly try having LDs, with another method, such as MILD, WBTB, or WILD. Eventually you will have an LD and after knowing how it feels, youll be able to get them more easily.
Wow TMikey, those are cool dreams! I was laughing at how amnesia is a very funny thing. What if it was real though? wouldn’t that be scary. You find yourself places and don’t know how you got there…
Well, keep up with the RC’s and it would be really good if every time you go somewhere, ask yourself how you got there proceeding your reality checks.
These are the types of dreams that mean Yes, you are very close to having a Lucid Dream!
BTW, TMikey are you sitting at a computer with the ld4all website in front of you right now? Question yourself this: “How did I get here?”
Don’t worry too much, those pre lucid moments are great signs of progress. When you wake up after a dream like that, it helps to lay in bed and ask yourself why you didn’t do an RC. When you ask yourself a question, your SC will do what it can to answer it and figure out why it didn’t remind you to do one in the first place. It’s a good way to get the idea of RC’s across to it. Also, imagine what would have happened if you had become lucid. This also seems to help improve chances of getting it right the next time.
How well do you remember things in real life? How well do you realize what goes on around you? Basically, how observant are you?
As for me I am/was absolutely hopeless. My head is always in the clouds. Once I realized the validity of those questions I started doing what Stephen LaBerge suggested in his book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.” He gave 4 items for each day, and your job is to do an RC every time you see one of those items ( me I just ask, "Am I awake or am I dreaming). Well… I failed miserably. What I am doing now is take 2 items and work on those two until I don’t miss them a single time, i,e, every time I open a door, and every time I drink something. I still forget about half of the time but I’m getting better. I am also trying to be more observant and do an RC every time I start daydreaming. Guess what though! I have had two LDs since I got better at it.
What you have had now is called a “pre-lucid dream”. You know that something is wrong, but you don’t know why. Such dreams are signs that a real Lucid Dream is not too far away. I suggest you to not give up. I once had a dream where I told people that they are dreaming (although I didn’t know I was in a dream myself), and guess what, I had my first LD few weeks later.
Thanks for all the replies, it definitely boosts the morale a little knowing I was so close.
@ Six: Thanks for the advice. That is the first time I’ve had a dream of that nature, actually questioning my dream. I will start doing that in hopes of a dream like that occurring again.
@ Kauai: I don’t know how observant I am to be honest. But with this in mind, today I will attempt to be more aware of my surroundings. Also, I have been doing a RC every time I see a clock, well I attempt to. I’m trying to make it a habit, but I still forget to every time. I do end up thinking about a RCs throughout the day tho and I do look at a clock and perform one then. I will try to start associating RCs with other things as well, like you mentioned with the door and drinking.
On a side note, I also have a dream journal with 13 dream logs dating back since the first of this month. The problem is, the only dreams that I log are the ones I wake up during. I was hoping that my dream journal would enable me to start remembering other dreams that I don’t wake up during/after, but it hasn’t yet.
use affirmative action, like before going to sleep say to yourself "When I wake up I will remember my dreams, sounds silly, but it really helps. Also try (and that for me was rather difficult) not to move when you wake up, and then try to remember your dreams. I have been waking myself up at 4am every day, and writing down the first dreams of the night. reading some, and going back to sleep after half an hour or sometimes an hour. It was hard at first but I’ve gotten used to it. Occasionally, when I feel I need the rest, I sleep through the night. I am aiming to achieve a really high form of Lucid Dreaming, the kind where you can actually heal yourself and even others. It’s amazing that we have the capacity to do so.