Why do we have to learn lucid dreams...

Aparently because we are abale to learn lucid dreaming, we are “allowed” by god to do so. If not then we would just have NDs, but why does god want us to do the work, instead of everyone just automaticly lucid dreaming every time they go to sleep? We have been giving an opertunaty to have limitless freedom in our dreams. I sometimes feel we are braking some sort of universal law by doing so.
How can we learn what are dreams are trying to teach us if we are lucid? Do you think we are supose to Lucid dream?

God doesn’t want to LD instead of you. Because the whole thing is about awareness. He “can’t” be aware instead of you. It is your task. However He hepls you through a lot of things and gives you pure energy and methods He plants in your mind If you want it.

Yes :smile:

The rest of your question is a religion question. Since I do not share your faith, that is a answer you must find within your self.

Good luck and happy dreaming. :smile:

Thats like saying why do we have to work for money. :content: I truly believe that we are supposed to have lucid dreaams.

interesting point. I’d say though, that we don’t really LEARN anything from our dreams unless we are allowed to explore them. Think about it. What of those of us who don’t remember dreams at all. How can we learn from them? Therefore, it must be God’s indifference to the situation that allows us to do so. Because, if we truly break some universal law by going lucid, don’t you think an all-powerfull creator would raise his omnipotent hand to stop us from doing so?

Why do we have to learn to walk? To talk? To drive? To ride a bike?

LD’ing is a skill, nothing more, nothing less.


Also consider that many ancient cultures that pre-date Christianity did a lot with dream work (not just Tibetan Buddhist) Where as some people think of lucid dreaming as something unusual or mystical, I think it as a perfectly natural thing. I think as society evolved we just forgot how to do it. Now we are just coming back full circle and perhaps one day everyone will be lucid dreamers.

That makes sence, that we would lose or forget a natural gift. Maybie it slowly was fortoten with the more life got hecteck, and less spiritual. What scares me is…what if as time goes on we forget dreams, I hope your right about coming full circle.

I wouldn’t say it’s such a hard work. A prayer would be much more difficult for me.

Some people do it naturally and don’t even have to work for it…

First of all I don’t think we’re “supposed” to do anything.

We should remember that only a very few are natural LDers.

LDing is not just another skill to be learned.

Comparisons to other skills don’t work…

We don’t learn to walk as such. It develops, but babies who don’t walk as much develop the skill just as quickly.

Learning to talk is a necessity since the language we have to speak depends on our circumstances.

As for learning to drive, well that isn’t very natural. While defining what’s natural is difficult and arbitrary, we can say that we didn’t evelve alongside cars, so we don’t have innate skills specifically for that purpose.

When we learn to LD we learn to obtain experiences we desire through a means which bypasses the evolutionary gains which created our desires. A simple example is sex without reproduction.

This is a good thing, but it’s hardly natural.

Nature has animals like us struggling and fighting against each other to get what we want, becasue those who did so passed on their genes, while those who were happy with their dreams did not.

So it’s no wonder LDing has to be learned.

I suppose you could ask the same question but in a different way… like… why is learning to LD difficult?

For example: Its not so natural to recall our dreams, but the first step to lucid dreaming is - remembering your dreams…all you have to do is give your self the suggestion “I will remember my dreams” and like magic it works.

Also, you need to wake up at 5.30am, and you can wake up approximately 5.30am just by suggesting it…

So why can’t I LD just by suggesting “I am going to have a LD tonight!”

Kavaa we wont forget to dream because its an evolutionair trade!
We didnt invent dreaming, its part of who we are!

So dont worry! :wink:


Hehe, plus I (the all-powerful creator) can never be bothered raising my omnipotent hand for much nowadays anyway…