Why does every one think lucid dreaming is weird?

eh… since I saw this post I went around asking people about the idea… again. I asked very casually… and I found that one of my friends is a lucid dreamer, and so is my art teacher :eh:, I guess thats not too suprizing.

I remember when a friend of mine told me about Lucid Dreaming, from the very first moment I heard about it I got very excited to hear about the concept, to be able to move the dream a desired direction.

I agree with panik100, when I first started searching the internet for lucid dreaming and found this place, it was great, lots of experienced ppl, everyone realy helpfull to! :smile:

i have only bothered telling a few people about ld’s since i found out of it’s existence, and they all think im crazy. even my best friend keeps mocking me whenever i bring the subject up.

those ignorant fools…