Why does this happen?

hello there! :cool_laugh:

While sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot. (go ahead no one will see you) While doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand. Notice what happens to your foot when you do this.

why does this happen?

I dunno thats interesting though.

the right side of your brain tries to send one command to both your foot and your finger, but it can’t work out a formula, so you can’t.

that’s what i heard anyway

Cheats Draw the six backwards and nothing happens! Dun dun dun!

It’s the left side of the brain :grin: and you can command both parts of your body to do different things, but that requires some practise. I wouldn’t be surprised to find tutorials on the internet for doing such thing…

I can do it. The trick is to look at it symmetrically. Then it’s easy.

I can do it if I synchronize drawing the circular part of 6 with some exact moment of feet’s movement. Doing it once is generally quite easy but if you try doing it constantly, you will most likely fail after at most 2-3 times :smile:

This man speaks the truth. All those dexterity/lobe conflict curiosities can be practiced.

I dont get it X_x. What is hard in that ? There a diffrence in way you circle 6, right ?

Edit: I got it, I was circling 6 in bad way. Anyways, it’s just brain trick-thingy

I actually can do it quite well. My teacher had us do it during class once, and was quite impressed when I had almost no trouble with it.

ha. i suck at this.

I’m used to doing contrasting things like that. So no surprise to me that I was able to do it without anything “happening”.

That said there is a way to make it fail :tongue:


Stormthunder is no man. :tongue:

I suppose in order to avoid this post being spam, I’ll have to go ahead and mention the topic at hand, won’t I? In fact, when I first tried this out it worked for me, but with continued attempts I noticed what all the fuss was about. :content:

Here’s a trick that will work most times. Concentrate on your foot, not the #6. We know how to draw sixes and have since kindergarten.

Let habit draw the 6 and focus on your foot. You should be able to continue indeffinately.

It’s the same principle with what I said to try in the left handed topic with the pens. When you write with both at the same time focusing on your good hand, your other hand should write as neatly (or close to it) as your good hand.

In this case you are working with your foot, doing something it doesn’t normally do and let your hand draw what you learnt to do long ago. :wink: