Why does this keep happening in my dreams?

Ok, well the first lucid dream I ever had was when I woke up around 4am for whatever reason then went back to sleep. I started dreaming & I was in my school field. Right away for some reason I realized I was dreaming. I made a mirror pop up in the center of the field [Idk why, I just thought it would be a cool form of transportation]. Satisfied, I asked the mirror to take me to the most tropical place in the world [Love tropical places]. It took me to my bedroom. Dissapointed, I sat on my bed in my room, then woke up [Which was really weird because I had been sitting on my bed in the dream so it was like ‘place switch!’, lol]. Then a few nights ago I had another dream. It started out really funny, but wasn’t lucid. I was dressing up this guy thats a jerk to me & in some of my classes, as a girl in my bathroom. Then I went to get make-up & a bunch of bugs popped up. I ran & found a huge cockroach thing in my hallway. I soon thought, “Oh this must be a nightmare.” I pointed at the cockroach & said make this a flower. It turned into a bee & flew away. Which wasn’t a bad thing, because it still got away from me. So see what I mean? Some lucid dreams I want something to turn into something, but it turns into something else.

…but omg I thought of this while writing, I had always wanted my room a tropical room…maybe thats why it brought me there…& bees are always around flowers… but why does it do this. Why can’t it just do what I tell it to. Something in the brain that triggered to that first before a flower or tropical place? Idk. How do I improve on making things what I WANT them to turn into?

To do whatever you want in a dream is to believe, patience, and practice. It all just takes time. Keep doing them in your dreams, find a way to do it, and it will soon happen.

Trial and error. You did good though.

At least you had something sorta relating to what you wanted.
I tried to summon a friend of mine, by opening a door and them being there.
I never got them, it just kept being randoms and one time… srsly.
It was the pizza man. :content: lol

You just have to believe in yourself.
In reality, you know that you can’t possibly summon something out of nowhere, but in a lucid dream, everything is possible.

You just have to get into a state of mind where you know you can do anything, and believe in yourself and it will work. :happy: