Why I think dreams are important, and not just fun

There are so many reasons why I love dreams.

In my opinion, dreams are not only fun to have, but important too.
For instance, at depressive times I usually have a dream where I get hugged by a DC (Mostly people I know well IRL) and it makes me happy for the rest of the day.

They also usually make you think more positive. With dreams, you learn to look different at things.

Sometimes dreams just have a happy feeling to them unknowing what causes it, and that happy feelings may follow you for a long time.

Of course there’s the nightmares (which I’ve used to have about 3 times every week when I was little) but even those can be prevented by learning Lucid Dreaming.

I don’t get why so many people don’t do anything with their dreams, or just don’t care about dreams. I mean, if you were to speak to an alien that isn’t able to sleep, about dreams, and that it is a world created by your own mind, with a new adventure each night, then the only thing he would want is to be able to sleep! Definitely!

This topic doesn’t really have a goal, but I just felt like writing it :content:

I can agree with you about the importance of dreams. For me it’s become a hobby and a persistant part of my life. I am not even good at LDing and my recall isn’t that great (usually not enough sleep and an alarm on 5/7 days of the week).

But sometimes I just have those dreams that are really worth it all. Gems you dig out of the mountain of dreams that your SC piles up for you night by night :wink:

Dreams can be anything: interesting, scaring, hope-giving, inpsiring and something I also learned on ld4all: connecting. With great people that is.

I do believe dreams are important. Maybe for the purpose of understanding yourself, but also for a positive hobby. Learning your dream patterns and watching dream development is entertaining as well as informative. Personally, I think practicing lucid dreaming, or just writing down dreams in a DJ, is a creative outlet that many people could benefit from.

I agree as well. I haven’t achieved the discipline to actively perform dreamwork, but I know that important stuff happens in dreams. I believe that it is a way for beings from other dimensions to actively interact with us. Whether we realize it or not. They use images of people that we know to lower our inhibitions, and make us more receptive to what they need to give atm.