Why is it necessary to recall at least one dream per night?

Many people have stated that it is necessary to remember at least one dream per night before attempting lucid dream induction techniques. However, I’m in a situation right now where I can remember many dreams if I set this intention before I go to bed; theoretically, in a LD, I could wake up at will with this same intention and remember it without issues. Should I still remember at least one dream per night? (I’m going to get back into my DJ anyway, but I’m just curious).

Also, off-topic, but when I’m typing the title to threads and I press “backspace”, it always deletes two letters instead of one. Does anyone else have this problem? It doesn’t happen in the body part of the post, only the title.

The reason we say one dream per night is that otherwise you could have lucid moments and never remember them. But if everytime you set the intention, you remember your dreams, there shouldn’t be a problem with dream recall. Just you cannot rely on yourself remembering to set the intention within the lucid dream itself!

Okay, thanks for the reply. I’ll make a note of that when I’m trying to wake up from an LD then :wink:

That’s a bit more of a helpdesk question, but no that’s not a common problem. If you’re using IE, you might want to make sure to turn on compatibility mode. Other than that, not sure :razz:

Another way recall can help is that you can find common dream signs to help you get lucid easier. :smile:

I’ve tried this, but the dreams I’ve written down are always very different. The only thing that seems to remain constant is the fact that the setting always has some problem, and that I’m generally not aware of myself. In the summer, however, I had many Halo-themed dreams, since I played it every night XD

It’s very possible that I missed some dream signs in common due to not writing down every dream though, so it will probably pay off at some point.

Also, to Rhewin, I’m using Firefox, so I guess I could change some settings… IE doesn’t even work on my (Windows) computer. Go figure.

Anyway, I’m finally getting back into my DJ, so thanks for the motivational replies :happy:

I still don’t fully get why writing down your dreams helps so well to become lucid, but it most certainly does. I’ve experimented with stopping to write in it, but each time I stopped writing, my LD frequency went down the drain. Even when I actively kept recalling my dreams each morning after waking up, it didn’t work if I didn’t write them down.

This seems something interesting to create an experiment on the lab.

DJs certainly improve recalls, I believe recalls are one of things needed to reach lucidity, that’s how I think everything is related.

Since my recall is virtually nil now (except for a dream yesterday that I remembered way later, and a brief part of that, when I realised that I had never in fact found the swimming shorts that I clearly remembered finding, since I did that in a dream), I could probably help out with that if anyone wanted to make an experiment like that. It would also increase my motivation, since there would be people let down if I didn’t stay consistent.

Anyway, while I didn’t have LD’s when I had good recall (but didn’t write them down), I’m certainly not having LD’s with no recall; or at least, none that I remember (duh).

I’ve gone through periods of little recal…usually when preoccupied on some level IRL so that there’s little left in terms of energetic resources to even be interested in dreaming at night. Sometimes, though…you have to fake it until you make it :wink: Conjure up some enthusiasm when it seems to be no where in sight. Very akin to taking aggressive steps during an LD to bring about higher clarity and lucidity when it seems to be fading (so interesting how these techniques translate to manifesting that shift during daily life…stuff works, yo!).

Here’s something that may be helpful. Prime the pump: i.e. use any shred of recal that you can find and start loggin about that. And I mean anything. Hypnogogic activity while going back to sleep…small dream images, sounds, abstract colors…whatever…even stray, unusual dreamlike thoughts that come in during that brief twilight state can be helpful in getting things going again. Doesn’t really matter though…anything deliberately you do with an element of optimistic expectation will likely give excellent results.