Why isn't my best friend in any of my dreams?

I dont understand this one, people I dont like and friends and other family and some people I haven’t seen for a while are there but never my best friend. Can anyone begin to explain this to me?

Moved from Quest For Lucidity :dragon:

You don’t think about them, but instead, you see them as something constant which won’t change.

Have you ever asked yourself why you are almost never in your RL house in your dreams? Or why you never had dreams of your school?

I always have dreams of my school. well i’ve been out of my school for almost two years, but my last dream of last night I was back in my school. I am sometimes at my house, usually my aunts house though. I just found it weird that I never see Matt in any of my dreams.

Check the cupboard, he might be there. I don’t really know, but he MIGHT :happy:

Tell me if that helps.

That happens to me too, my best friend has NEVER appeared in my dreams but then all my other friends do, my teacher, my boss, my parents, my brother, my co-workers but never my best friend

Sorry, but I always have dreams in my RL house and school, even though I got out of school two years ago… :shy: lol

My best friends rarely appear in my dreams… but they do. Old friends who I rarely see appear more often… it’s strange, no idea why it happens… :tongue:

My best friend is ALWAYS in my dreams! XD My problem is getting my fave singer in there… :tongue:

Well he was there last night, not the best of circumstances considering he was going to be an example of whats wrong with todays youth.

i think it’s because you will usualy see your best freind in the day and so your brain doesn’t need anymore thoughts on it so instead it goes to older freinds so as to remember them and know about them

I’ve thought about that, but really I dont see him that much sometimes like maybe 3 or 4 times a month.

thats more than i see mine m8

I know what you mean. Usually my close friends don’t appear in my dreams that often. Strangely, at times in my dreams I will see a complete stranger and treat them as if they were my best friend! :confused:

But like ebil shrimp said. You see your friend so often during the day you don’t think of him at night. So you bring up people you have not seen for awhile into your dreams.

Before you go to sleep tonight repeat in your mind over and over “I will see my friend in my dreams.” Actually visualize your friend and you togther. Do this for at least 15 minutes each night and see what happens.

Good Luck!

ive had dreams of being at my real house and at school ive had dreams about my friends and family members but its always distorted like mm BF is really nice to me and so caring in real life but in dreams he is so mean and hes made me cry and made fun of me and my parents abuse me in my dreams and in real life we dont really like eachouther but they dont abuse me and i dont even know my best friends in my dreams the people who are the happiest people i know are crying or depressed and my x-bf doesnt ever want to talk to me when in real life were like best friends