Why LD4all is awesome

Fun, but how can you tell whether the students are really doing their homework and how can you let them take an exam? :tongue:

though i dont post much around here…i do have a habit of coming here and read all the ongoing discussions and information on new techniques n stuff…i think ppl on this community are really very open minded and welcoming…i’m in love with this place… :smile:

Yes, LD4ALL is very good. The community is nice, the layout is nice (although it could use some changes, but never mind) and its easy to navigate the forum.

One thing I don’t like on this site is the guide. There are many opinions on techniques and its quite a relative thing. You can’t make a perfect guide, but you can make a detailed guide. The layout is too different from forums and its kinda childish.
I’ll make a thread later on on how it would look like if I was making it. :smile:

Ah but how detailed can it be, with all the different opinions and ways there are? The secret with dreams is to use your imagination and be creative, not follow detailed instructions. As for the layout, in my opinion it’s a good thing that it stands out from other forums. And it has a touch of childishness, just as all dreams do.

I don’t know if it’s a touch of childness, really. Sure, the layout is cute, but with an edge… like dreams really. I’d say it has a touch of “play,” rather, and really that’s the spirit.

Also, Alex, come on. All that speech about pineapples, but you keep coming back because… Alright, I’ll say it. You’re just addicted to the cookies, and you know it. :tongue:

Ive made a lot of friends and some of them Ive met in person, but I still have some more to meet :grin:

I also noticed the postcard thread and will spread out the word of ld4all in my school :tongue:

Yeah “play” is more like it, nicely put.

Nuuu! Now you know my secret! :nuu:
But how about pineapple cookies? Now that’s something. You know what I noticed? We don’t have a cookies topic anywhere…

I meant to post all of the techs in the guide (like HILD, DEILD, CILD and so on) and put extract from some useful threads like /viewtopic.php?t=39339 . You get what I mean?
And ofcourse, because there are many opinions, post all of the opinions. Like under the WILD guide a lil’ disclaimer or whatever:

  • WILD could cause sleep paralysis
  • Some people say that WILD is just a myth, that only people who have talent can do it.

Doc, actually it would be helpful to take the bad reputation off from WILD.

I spent most of my first years of LDing trying to WILD and incubating dreams instead. That’s alright, at least I learnt how to incubate dreams rather nicely; to this day it’s my most usual technique for doing stuff in normal dreams, as well as for having lucid dreams.

When I finally got WILD — and yes, I had sleep paralyses, a few old hags etc. at some point or another — I realised it was both simpler than I could have ever throught and not at all dangerous, weird, scary, or wild for that matter.

To paraphrase a Haskell programmer talking about monads, if we’d called WILD “Warm Fuzzy Thing” instead, people wouldn’t be so afraid of it.

And hear hear about listing/detailing the other techs, I think the guide could afford having a lot of them if it gives the reader pointers as to which one might suit them best. Otherwise, it’s too much information and will scare away the readers.

No, I mean it could be seperated in two parts: begginer and expert. The begginer part would contain only the easy and basic stuff. The expert would contain many opinions on many techs.

Oh! That sounds good. :smile: And can probably lead even more people to the forum! :yes:

why don’t you start a separate “how we can improve LD4all” discussion somewhere in the gathering? :smile: I’ll be reading with interest.

No promises though.

consider it an extended “feather request” topic :wink:

/me is for a beginner part and a more advanced part, good idea here :happy: