I don’t know why I find that so funny, browsing Shortcuts forum must have some high placebo effect or something…I mean all the chemicals…I can picture a cartoon of a desperate Lucid Dreamer trying all he could…
Anyways, keep trying your minteespresso if you can still handle it. Maybe you just need the right sleeping conditions?
You people are influencing my shopping trips now.
I bought a teapot, small 2-cup thingy with a mesh insert for your favourite leaves.
I bought a baggie of ‘Liptons Mint plunger tea’.
I even bought a baggie of fresh mint leaves so I could try the fresh versus dried comparison.
Oh yeh, I also bought a box of ‘Twinings’ natural mint tea bags and a box of chamomile too!
The mint teabags alone had no affect on me the first try.
The fresh mint brew was rather weak…maybe boiling it in the water first will help the extraction process…just adding to the boiled water didn’t seem to make a strong tea but the smell was lovely.
The dried mint leaves gave me the weirdest dreams, I guess I didn’t remember any more than usual but the strangeness was very interesting.
A mixture of the dried and a bag of relaxing chamomlie gave the same results…dream recall normal but some very odd dreams…had a lucid ‘feel’ to them but were not true lucid dreams.
Any time I have used herbal or anti-histamine type sleep aids the results have been poor no matter what type of tea I have used. Maybe too deep a sleep or not a long enough period of sleep to wake naturally to help in dream recall.
My conclusion…
The dried mint tea leaves along with the chamomile were the best result. The stronger the brew, the weirder the dreams.
My dream recall hasn’t improved a great deal but the strangeness I feel while dreaming and the close edge of the lucid/normal dreamstate is a great step for me. It feels like I’m living in a dreamworld and not just visioning or re-creating everyday things…I’m having new dream experiences and enjoying them.
I emailed an expert about this topic and he said that a lot of people would call peppermint “true mint”. It’s a bastard between green mint and watermint. Before 1696 (when peppermint was created), there existed 10 other mint plants. Each of them differ in terms of menthol content and stuff.
Chosenone, can you tell me the exact name of the mint plant you’re using? This person I emailed is very interested in it…
Well this is quite a dilemma, because I just use the Lipton Mint Tea. It says Ingrediants: Mint, and nothing specific. So just Lipton Mint Tea, I suppose.
…ok, so no i have an expiriment about it too. i just had to buy this “famous” lipton mint tea . so no peppermint … i’ve had it in three nights a row, and somehow it didnt affect in anything. maybe i had it in a wrong way or wrong time… i dunno. my dream recall was completely normal. so, i think it it’s plasebo-thing. sure it relaxed me and i slept well…
…and i’ll keep drinking it, cos it tastes so yummy …
This is certainly proving to be an interesting topic, and I will have to give the mint tea a go. I used to drink it every morning, but I will have to try some before I go to sleep. I can’t stand it without any sugar in, though.
I was given some mint last year to grow in pots and I must have at least five different varieties - Spearmint, peppermint, lemon mint, pineapple mint + others. The problem is that I don’t know which is which. Maybe I will just have to try them all . I will have to wait till spring now because it dies off in the winter.
OK. I will try it one more time with no sugar If it has the good effects I have read about, perhaps I will try it this way more often. I will just have to remember to get those teabags now!
hey chosenoe! it worked! i mean i think it did… i had it last night, and this time i didnt add any sugar, and it was stong … then i get to sleep right after drinking it. and yeah, it was REAL mint, so no pepper
… so, at the morning, my recall was amazing!! i remembered five dreams and they were so really vivid and clear, plus two, witch werent so clear. anyway, it was much more than usually! no lds though, but that doesnt surprise me…
Whoa, really staggering reports. I don’t get it how you people remember so dreams. At tops, I’ve remembered 3 dreams, once. Usually it’s 1, 2 or nothing
But then again I don’t write a dream diary (we’re working on one, then the logging shall begin) nor do I meditate… maybe I should begin
Well, I’ve tried the mint tea thing three nights in a row now (minus the sugar!). The first night there was no noteable noticable difference.
The last two nights, I have recalled dreams from the last REM period of the night in such detail. This was with peppermint tea, by the way, so maybe this has the same effect. I’m going to carry on for a week with the mint tea, then try a week without and compare the results. I will keep you posted on how this goes.
Sounds good, you should also try “Lipton Mint Tea” this has the sort of mint that I can vouch to help, maybe compare if it has even more ‘potential’ at helping to remember dreams.
Sprig - one of the ends of a branch containing maybe 3 or more leaves…I think these are used mainly as a garnish…like a sprig of parsley on a meal for example.
well i tried it and had some very interesting results. although i had only 1 dream, it was the longest dream i’ve ever had i swear. it just kept going and going for what seemed like an hour. also, it broke my habits in dreams. for example, i have lots of war like dreams yet i never kill or fight anyone. however, last night, i was killing people like there was no tommorrow. and thats with peppermint so itd be interesting to see what mint can do
I’d say it ENHANCES every aspect of a dream, membrance, activity, etc.
I’ve been drinking mint tea every day for over a month and when I go off of it my recall drops… addiction? LOL Mint tea rules - I got rid of a flu in 1 day with it.