I’ve noticed that mint tea helps exceptionally well for dream recall. What I mean is to drink some tea that consists 100% of dried mint leaves (Lipton has good mint tea), and mixing minimal amounts of sugar with it around 1-15 minutes before going to sleep. Not only does this help relax and refresh your mind but will also help have more vivid dreams (lucid or non-lucid) and remember them the next day.
The reason is that, the mint plant contains certain chemicals… substance reference removed due to guidelines
Wow that’s really interesting! I knew that there were some herbs/teas that aid in vivid dreams and dream recall, but I hadn’t heard that mint is one of them.
LOL, the idea surprises me but I will definitely try this. I’m not a natural dream recaller, have to be very motivated for good dream recall. Until now I know only one chemical that slightly improves dream recall, ie vitamin B (especially B6). I tried DHEA for some time but I only got acne - hey I’m too old for that .
I tried it last night with two bags of peppermint tea (5g) in a small cup of boiled water. I added some sugar and waited for 1 hour and a half before I drank it. Short after i easily fell into a dream like state. I somehow lost my capabillity to track time a little bit. It was a little strange. You have to know that I’m very sensitiv to drugs. Anyway, my dream recall increased by 10-15%. Next time I’ll try to extrakt the substances using an espresso machine. Might be funny…
You should get pure mint tea (I mean 100% dried mint tea), not peppermint. Also, the less sugar you add the more of an effect you’ll get. Reason being one is a fat soluable and another is water
yeah, forgot to say. Lucid dreams are highly affected by placebo, which means that the belief alone that something will help in getting a lucid dream is effective. I am not saying mint tea does not help lucid dreaming, but placebo can be playing a great role in it also…
The power of the mind can also be negative, because saying that mint tea might be placebo (which it isn’t, but can be further enhanced by) might degenerate the quality recieved.
Mint tea has scientific backing to prove that it should work, but there are inidivduals that aren’t even receptive to Salvia D, so…
i used to remember dreams alot, but recently with getting less sleep cuz of school they have decreased. i had a cup of peppermint tea with one spoonfull of sugar, and drank bout an hour before bed. i went to bed at 12, and when i awoke at 6:20 i remembered everything and wrote it down. thanks whoever posted this, i would say ur name but im too lazy to go back to the page one of posts and find it
What exactly is the difference between mint, peppermint, and spearmint?
I’ve been able to find peppermint tea, spearmint tea, and peppermint/spearmint tea… but no MINT tea. And Ive been to two grocery stores. Which out of these three would be better? And what about Junior Mints? (mmm… “sex in a box” ) Any ideas on where to find mint tea?
I had some peppermint tea last night, and I could feel the effects before I fell asleep, but didnt notice anything in particular about my dreams. Going to try a larger amount tonight.
hmmm… Had 1 big mug of Lipton Mint tea like chosenone here said. I even used 2 teabags and let it sit there for 15 minutes. I sqeezed all I could out of the teabags, into the tea. Then sucked on the teabags. 1 spoon of sugar into the tea. drank it, got to sleep maybe 1 hour later.
Cant remember a single dream?
If I’m not totally ignorant I believe that “mint” is just the family name for the plant group that includes: speariment, peppermint, lemmon mint, sages and catnips or cat mint. Mint is just a generic term. If you are saying that this quality is possessed by all mints then peppermint and spearimint teas will probably work.
Heh, “American shortcut.” I wonder if the author expects us to harvest some sugar cane also. Or hammer out our teaspoon. Or maybe carve out our own glass. … okay, yes I’m being a smarta$$
I do however prefer this method compared to some “prepared teabag” that may be available. It may even have a stronger effect, or you could easily up the doseage.
Last night, I tried the thing with the espresso machine. I filled it with 3 bags worth of peppermint tea and hit ‘on’. The brew I call minteespresso did nothing but taste awful. Had some weird dreams. I was burning up houses with antique chairs and stuff…I felt that the dream lasted very long, but my dream recall wasn’t very good…