Why Mint Tea will help YOU recall dreams part III

Try to stay awake? But with my eyes closed, right?

Yeah, eyes closed. It just seems that whenever I’m sleepy and I want to stay awake, I end up falling asleep. Then when I want to fall asleep, I end up staying awake. Stupid brain. :tongue:

I don’t think it works like that for me :content:

Still had some problems to sleep this night (was wearing earphones and listening to an mp3 of 1 hr silence and then the laberge interview) and then
when I slept I heard part of the interview during my dream but I didn’t get lucid!

Hi everyone…

First I like to say hi to all you folk here, this is one great board! Like the rest of you, I love to read about new ideas to help dream recall. I’m not that experienced in actually having LDs yet, but I have read allot about dream recall. I went out and bought some lipton Green Tea Mint, and on the side I was looking at the ingredients and it says…

Green tea, Spearmint leaves, Peppermint leaves, Lemon grass.

Now, I know this is got to be different from the others here, cause I have been following the confusion about this topic. But I have to ask this to all the ones that have experienced results with the brand that they have…

Do you have a caffeine meter on the side of your lipton tea box? On the side of my box this mint tea has a factor of 40 for caffeine content!

The reason for asking this is that a small dose of caffeine will do wonders for your dream recall! I have used small drinks of cold coffee that I have set aside for when I wake after 5 hours of sleep. Just enough to stimulate you, but not enough to keep you awake. So what everyone here may not be having a response from the tea itself but the low caffeine content.


1.5. Do substances like drugs, herbs and foods affect our dreams?

Caffeine will make you sleep lighter, will increase your dream recall
and maybe even give you a lucid dream.

Just a thought, SpatMan.

The caffeine in that mint tea you bought was from the green tea in it… green tea is the same thing as black tea except the black tea is fermented or something like that… I think… I’m probably wrong

another idea I had

how to lucid dream in 6 easy steps:

1:obtain a peppermint plant
2:plant and fertilize heavily
3: boil 1. lb mint leaves in 15 gal water
4:boil down to 15 oz.
5:let cool
6: now slam that mother down…

anybody who has a peppermint should try that simple water extraction and post the results :tongue:

Well, according to the info from the Lipton web sit, all their “Mint Tea” contains black tea mixed with mint leaves. To have a product that don’t contain caffeine you will need to buy the herbal line of tea. I suspect the reason people are not having any luck with the peppermint type of lipton teas is because it contains no caffeine. So to really find out if its the mint that is helping and not the caffeine, you will need fresh/dry mint leaves only.



Actually I’m not using Lipton. I’m using Pompadour. It’s apparently German.
It says it is Balm Mint (in other languages it’s Melissa). The ingredients also listed vervaine, but no caffeine.

I think it doesn’t contain caffeine.

I have some fresh mint leaves - I think I could do something with them…

:eek: OH! My! Goodness!!! …are you serious??


:neutral: I’m not trying it with a pound of mint!!

I’ll try it though, man is it ever gonna be hard to swallow. Normal strength mint tea is bad enough on its own! I’ll mix in half fruity forest and half mint (both lipton plunger infusions)…hmmm…tea really shouldn’t be boiled eh?..but I guess for this experiment I’ll make an exception.

I’m mixing up half and half at the moment…I’ll get back to you when I return from my lucid journeys…Bon Voyage~~

Fey~ (Me!!) (My -not-my-real-name- name)

I have already tried that “boil tea” thing except I had no results and used 20 1.5cm (squared) leaves that were ripped up for one cup of tea.

I’m not good at either LDing or dream recall, and I guess you can’t amplify what’s not there?

Then why are you here then??


WOW! someone actually willing to try it! :cool_laugh:

I don’t have enough mint leaves to actually try that:P

How much did you pay for the ounce of mint leaves jeff?
lol… pretty soon people will be selling mint on the street for $150/Oz

lol fey ok!
Unfortunately my parents will think I am crazy if I put a coffee maker in my room, since we have no coffee maker, plus I normally hate the stuff and my parents don’t let me try it anyway. Somehow they think I can’t “handle” it or something. I can always get a tiny bit of coffee ground and dump it in a cup with hot water and put it in my room during WBTB… but only during weekends!

We grow mint leaves, and we have lots. Plus we buy it. It’s not expensive. (I don’t know the actual price…)

forgive me if this has been answered already but does anybody know WHY mint tea works? if there was a study done on the exact chemical in mint tea that makes it aid dream recall/LDs then you could determine optimum dosage/ response vs. dosage curve, best schedule of dosing etc. for example if it actually takes 3-4 hrs to kick in then using it when wbtb-ing wouldn’t be the best idea since by the time the full effects arrive you’re waking up already, or maybe it requires a buildup caused by continuous use to acheve maximum effects… just a thought… if nobody knows I’d be willing to write up a research paper and see what info I can dig up…

just a thought…

Yumm…my little half and half experiment tasted delicious!!

It has the consistency of port, the same colour, a similar taste but with no alcohol involved…lol.
It did absolutely nothing to improve my recall, though I did have one very vivid dream of me working in a supermarket…therefore, I conclude…it gives you nightmares!!


It actually tasted very nice, I’m off to make a batch up for todays session…maybe a little stronger this time, I will measure the exact amounts of mint, fruity infusion and water before and after.

Just because I can!


Day Two:

[b][size=75]30g forest fruits herbal infusion
-contains Rosehip, Hibiscus, Dried Fruit (currants, sour cherries) and Flavours (Hmm…)

90g pure dried Peppermint leaves
-contains Peppermint…lol

6 cups water[/size][/b]

I boiled it all down and ended up with 2 cups of lucid tea (I wish).
Could only manage to drink 1/3 of it because there was way too much peppermint this time, it was certainly hard to swallow. Not nice and sweet like day one.

I had mad vivid dreams, mostly about work (bah!!) but my recall suffered due to me sleeping in and having to rush off to work late…then I had to stop for fuel…then I got pulled over by the cops…

I am attempting again today with a more balanced mixture (lots more fruity forest).


[b] This topic is locked!
Part 4 can be found