Why people dont want to learn LD?

advertising costs lots of money, and the concept doesn’t fit in a consumer society :smile:

it was just an example… lucid dreaming is either portrrayed as new age gibberish which is “not real” and “impossible” like “out of body experiences” or it’s portrayed as sciency technical stuff.

it isn’t portrayed as well… as something cool to do.

"i would change the way that you tell them, give them examples of your own experinces, tell them about this web site, explain that everyone can do it, tell them that as children we all did it, but society made us forget how. "

I was going to say “where on earth did you hear that?” but you are so right… and it makes me extremely sad. I suddenly remembered when I was rather young, and I was afraid of the Haunted Mansion at DisneyLand, due to some new rennovation they did with scary popping up zombie things… I was going to sleep, having had nightmares about it for a while, and I decided to imagine something fun related to the ride, and I did… it worked… I was basically “remote viewing” a completely vivid fantasy scene, now of course, it started to turn into a dream, and scared me awake, and I told my mom about it, and she said “well maybe you shouldn’t have thought of those things”

It was just so fluidly natural I guess… wow… and it’s all gone and wasted away, I’d give so much to be able to do that at will…

I used to be able to kind of hallucinate while awake as a child too, it’s amazing how much society kills free thinking and spirituality, and it’s amazing how we bury whatever memories we may have had of doing those kinds of things.

I know I was previously aware of that memory, I’ve probably thought of it in the past few months, but it just wasn’t integrated into me that HEY I used to be able to naturally remote view.

What the hell has society done to our precious minds?

I have had some time to reflect on this and to be honest I am starting to agree with some of the earlier post from. Perhaps we should not try so hard to spread the knowledge of lucid dreaming. It is fun that we have the ability to do something that other people can’t. (Well they can if we teach them). Mmm I’ll have to think about this some more. :hmmm:

As children, yeah, good point. I remember specifically in the case of nightmares I knew this rhyme that would get me out whenever I wanted. And whenever I was having a nightmare, I would remember that rhyme immediately and I would wake up. As far as making people knowledgeable about lucid dreaming or just the power of dreams in general, I think it’s something they have to experience on their own, possibly by mistake, in order to do away with the stigma that dreams are only dreams and simply a by-product of sleep. I would still like to think lucid dreaming is “our little secret,” but with more people lucid dreaming, it could call for more accidental shared dreams or other things. Either way, dreaming is for everyone! :content:

maybe your right, but you could always convince them in some way or another, some people are just harder to convince…

But your can’t fly in real life :wink:


i also agree with the other posts about LDing not being mainstream. It makes me feel like im different somehow than most of the other people i meet and talk with, and i enjoy it. i tink it would take some of the fun out of it, knowing that everyone else does it. its almost like a secret society! heh :content:

:wink: LD is something that TV definately will NEVER ‘feed’ us.

Just think, a method that requires spending NO money, and let’s you do about a thousand things that require spending money, and more :grin:

I believe that generally society as a whole is built around ‘grounding’ mankind to more materialistic and mundane needs and desires…

This excludes LD’ing, or about anything else, that would make mankind change their mindset from the current WORK->SPEND->WORK->SPEND wheel, which turns with the unmistakable tic-tac of timetables,deadlines and the works…

:content: At least LD are something that will never be corrupted or ‘demonized’ (can’t find the right word), by Megacorps, multinationals or goverments…

(phew! got that outta my system :tongue: )

sweet dreams… :peek:

Maybe the people who are unwilling to try just don’t remember their dreams and don’t really think anything significant about them.

hmm yes i would agree. most people that i have spoken to do think that. Sad isnt it

Come on, guys. We live in a world of “instant gratification.” The average attention span cannot go longer than five minutes (okay, that’s an exaggeration, but it seems about right for SOME people). LDing takes A LOT of dedication, patience, practice, research, and “hope.” As one of the LDers who struggled tremendously with first becoming lucid, I stuck with it and have been happily LDing for years now. It took a lot out of me though. Five years later, I still have my horrid dry spells. It’s easy to give up working on it when you feel like you’re not getting anywhere. And when you have no idea how they feel or what you gain from them, who is likely to continue striving for them without that frame of reference? As milod was saying, he’s trying to decide whether or not he wants LD consciousness spread. I agree. Would it really be such a great thing if everybody was into it? That seems a good way to turn a miraculous thing into “five minutes ago.” Trying to convince the world that lucid dreaming is something most people should be doing is like trying to convince people the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. It just won’t work that well. People will do what they want to do regardless of what you say to them. Sometimes it’s easy to tell who is likely to become interested in LDing and those are the people you should work with.

The thought just came to mind though: people care SO much about their image, how many would feel “cool” about lucid dreaming? Dreams are something a lot of people poke fun at. “New Agey” is the term. How many people out there would be caught dead with a “dream journal”? (“You have a dream journal?! Patsy. . .”) Not many. There’s been a stigma attached to dreaming for a long time and a lot of people regard it as “nonsense” or stuff that tarot card and palm readers are into. (A generalization, I know.)

I’m all biased against the people in the world anyway. I can’t stand the closed-mindedness (which I guess makes me closed-minded in my own way, but that’s another story altogether).

I wish I could just quit a post sometimes WITHOUT rambling.


were you looking for “secularized” ???

heh, take it from someone whose roomates in the dorm challenged me to walk through walls and told me: "stop posting on tht dream forum, that s***'s not real !!! "

yes, the life of a new age hippie does have its obstacles :content:

anyway, i brought this up before… a lotta people say they should advertise lucid dreaming to the masses and what not… all i gotta say is they already have and it was wildly popular => the matrix

of course they didn’t say that it takes a lil more effort than plugging in or that it was possible at home, but the concept was definitely there (LDing or spiritual enlightenment… same thing)

but that being said… i think the worst thing that could happen to LDing is it turning into a fad like say… the atkin’s diet. companies will start selling food that is “LD friendly” and it’ll just be everywhere… i think it’s fine just the way it is :yinyang:

“secularized” seems a really, really bad match to me. How about “commercialised”?

Well there are some people I wouldn’t want LDing, as I wouldn’t want them in my dreams at all, they’d probably just constantly do violent things…

But on the other hand, if everyone LDed, or accepted LDing, we would be able to do much advances in LD research and perhaps collectively advance a few notches upward as a human race… it would do so many people a lot of good to relieve stress, perhaps find hope in an afterlife, get in touch with themselves, their spirituality, etc.

The only thing wrong would be if you could hook up to an electrode and pop into an LD, and I’m sure you can or will be able to soon… now… I’d love to have one, but I mean, come on, I can already LD at least once a night…

putting it in the hands of someone who doesn’t even want to bother trying might defeat the whole purpose in the first place, and it could prove dangerous like that episode of sliders where they all get stuck in VR and never want to leave and almost miss their gate out, or something.

Plus if everyone were constantly plugged into something, I could forsee it being used to implant government ideas into our heads or something, and actually maybe start a matrix, imagine having a FA out of an LD machine only you never actually woke up, they just wanted you to think you did?


Only one solution: I must develop it myself and keep it secret! :tongue:

I know several people who don’t want to LD because they just simply aren’t willing to put the work into it.

For some reason I just don’t see that happening. I mean just take a look at how old Labarge’s first book is. LD ing has been around for a long time. I know that I will never give it up. It has become a part of my life as much as eating, socializing, working etc. It is my nightly vacation from the rest of the world and gives me the will to deal with daily routine in waking life.

Yes, commercialised is what I was going for…

I agree with this, LD shouldn’t be something you can achieve with shortcuts… As amazing and fulfilling the experiences are, I believe that since we’re playing with our subcounscious, we should respect it when it says NO or when it blocks us with obstacles like lack of patience when trying to WILD, or difficulty relaxing. Even the recurring nightmare or fear of SP which compells us to desist or meditate over LD in a whole. All these obstacles are put before each individual for a reason.

When a person naturally achieves a LD, or not even that far, simply absorbing and understanding what his dreams tell him, acknowleding his subcounscious, and what it reveals. This person ‘grows’ spiritually or mentally, matures maybe…

As holy reality properly stated, it would then become a drug, a method of control, contrary in all aspects, to what LD should be…

I want to spread the word about LD because I consider it the next step in human’s evolutionary process.

Now we use only our physical body. Im not satisfied with it. I want to actively use my astral body as well… Just think of possibilities…

Yet I’m afraid most people are too “zombified” to be responsive to anything new… Maybe I should seek more open minded “initiates” :wink:

this has been a great post for me. i’ve been horrible these past few months and have put dreaming to the side almost completely… i want a change and i want my dreams back.

i’m gonna try and hopefully soon i’ll be on the right track to a LD.

wish me luck. :moon: g’night.

holy reality:

I don’t think it would be dangerous. It would just be a waste of time. I think the worst that will happen is people won’t have LD’s unless they want them and are willing to put forth the effort.