Why people dont want to learn LD?

This question is troubling me.
I tell every person I know about lucid dreaming. I tell them they can do achieve things that are impossible to do in real life. I explain how much satisfaction it may bring to their lives…

Yet… hardly anybody decided to try and those who tried it are too lazy to continue…

are they not ready? are they “lesser mortals” :tongue: ?

How can I persuade people to take lucid dreaming seriously?


But seriously. I don’t know why some people do not want to learn. I got a few of my friends to practice lucid dreaming ( after I convinced them I was not crazy ). I guess the only answer is that they don’t want to. ( As hard as that is to believe )

I tell EVERYONE I know, and I’m sure they’re ralying up to kill me. My bro has now discarded his “I only daydream” theory and has decided that LD ing is more along the lines of what he does, and now actually takes more time to think about his dreams. He still gets pissy when I try to tell him stuff though. One of my friends avtually does LD, but I don’t like talking about it with her, she’s not that kind of friend, she’s more of a “lets go out and get pist” friend. I’ve made my slave, Arun take up stuff to do with LD 's, and hopefully he’ll do what he usually does, and do what I tell him to!
Most people I talk to about it seem to just think"aha, once in a million, silly ***** whatever" and then forget about it.

If LDing were marketed on tv as the ultimate virtual reality in a good way, I think people would care.

But people are stupid and don’t listen to you.

That always applies to just about anything someone “not normal” has to say, even though LDing is probably normal.

For example, a tv ad:
Imagine you could do anything you wanted, flying, breathing underwater, living forever, sex with anyone, anywhere, anytime… be inside your favorite movies or video games… well you can… with LUCID DREAMING.

You know, it would catch people’s attention, but of course, they won’t want to work for it… it needs to be described as something easy to do (in reality it is, if you have a bit of willpower [sorry to anyone who is having problems :sad: ] )

I mean, people would jump up and down to be able to plug into a “matrix” where they can feel and do anything they want, but not for dreaming…

It’s just because… well… “i don’t dream” … so many people think that, so many people are lazy… or misinformed… I guess.

I don’t think it is that people don’t want to work for it but, more like they don’t believe in it. They don’t see it as something that they can do. I think if we could make everyone see that they can do it more people would try.

I kind of like the way its not mainstream.

yeah, like you’re in a secret club or something!

Maybe people can’t do it?

Some people just can’t get to lucid, so therefore stop. They really really want it, but just cant get it. They either can’t do the exercises on the site (busy life, etc) or they’re body just can’t do it (like mine just wont do dream recall exercises, it just doesnt work for me)

ME (10:53:41 PM): can i ask you something
ME (10:53:48 PM): why don’t you like lucid dreaming

xxxxxx (10:54:19 PM): because the concept of actually working on it is crazy
xxxxxx (10:54:25 PM): and asinine

well, i got into dreaming at the end of last summer… i on my third night or recording dreams, i had an awsome 3 minute lucid dream. i loved it, i was so happy for so long and told everyone i saw about it. i tried and tried and tried to no end to get another. i got lucid maybe twice since then… but only these short “i’m dreaming…! poof now i’m awake…” so that was in august last year and it’s been ten months with absolutely nothing except crazy RD ing… i dunno, i want nothing more in the world than to be an awsome LD er, but i can’t really get back into recording dreams every night, and trust me, i did reality checks and LL ing, and WBTB, and no dream recalling as much, and everything and it’s not working for me, so to say the least i’m pretty discouraged… that’s just my view on it since i’m disappointed in myself for kinda giving up.

well, i got into dreaming at the end of last summer… i on my third night or recording dreams, i had an awsome 3 minute lucid dream. i loved it, i was so happy for so long and told everyone i saw about it. i tried and tried and tried to no end to get another. i got lucid maybe twice since then… but only these short “i’m dreaming…! poof now i’m awake…” so that was in august last year and it’s been ten months with absolutely nothing except crazy RD ing… i dunno, i want nothing more in the world than to be an awsome LD er, but i can’t really get back into recording dreams every night, and trust me, i did reality checks and LL ing, and WBTB, and no dream recalling as much, and everything and it’s not working for me, so to say the least i’m pretty discouraged… that’s just my view on it since i’m disappointed in myself for kinda giving up.
i hope i can get back into it soon and for real again.

I told my firend about lucid dreaming and he thought I was just joking about there even being such a think, and I’ve been friends with him since year 5…but I’m not giving up, I’m ganna prove it to him one way or another :grrr:

I think some people just arn’t as open minded as others for one reason or another, and things that are anything further then what they usualy think about doesn’t seem to intrest them that much…so the answer to:

are they not ready? are they "lesser mortals"  ?

is yes and maybe


I agree.

Ive tried to tell my friends about it but they’re not interested.
I think alot of people just dont care, or are afraid of anything that they think isnt “normal”.

It’s because you have to experince it to understand what it’s like. If I hadn’t had that DILD years before, I’d have given up LD’ing myself before I had one again.

So far, I’ve managed to get one person to try it, but they gave up after their first day…

Two or three of the people I’ve told don’t belive me, and think I’m crazy.

And everyone else just isn’t interessted.

I have tried convincing my best friend to start LD, but for some reason he isn’t that interested in it. A few weeks ago I found out that when he was young he could induce dreams at will. I told him that he could probably get LD’s every night if he tried VILD. He seemed a little interested but he told me that he would get bored with LD’s if he could get them every night.

Seems like some people think that real life is fun enough.

You need some passion to have succes with this, and most people are busy with other stuff. And since dreaming is generally not considered important in society it’s hard to get people go against the flow and change their nightly lifestyle (which in a lot of cases they haven’t, it’s a black hole). It took me years to start practicing LD’ing after I heard about it the first time, so I’m not really surprised people don’t immediately begin LD-practice after you tell them about it. And no they’re not “lesser mortals” because they don’t do the same as us, they probably have their own interests, qualities and talents you or me may lack.

wow, that sucks, everyone i tell it to listens to me and actaully trys it, maybe it is all in the way you tell them?

damn i find that hard to belive where did you find the research on that??? i know people can find it hard to do, but some people not being able to???that is like saying people cant be conscious while awake.

i would change the way that you tell them, give them examples of your own experinces, tell them about this web site, explain that everyone can do it, tell them that as children we all did it, but society made us forget how.

that should get them interested even if you blow things out of preportion, and if u dont havea ny proof, like my last line :razz:


People have foggy memories of dreams, so they assume dreams themselves are foggy. One of my very first memories of LD’ing was walking down a street and looking at some trees. I deliberately made a mental note that everything looked as real as real life.

Of course, you can always tell people “it’s exactly like real life, it’s like the Matrix,” etc., but it really has to be demonstrated. And they also want to be guaranteed something for any work they’re willing to put into it.

It reminds me of a program I saw a few years ago, when some scientists were arguing against using the first atomic bomb. They claimed that the Russians would not be willing to put money into developing an atomic bomb unless they were certain that it would be worth it. Once they see a mushroom cloud over Japan, they would stop at nothing to create one. It wouldn’t have been the same to say, “imagine if you could wipe out any city you wanted with just one bomb. You can! Now put lots of time and money into it…”

some people are so prejudice I don’t even want to bother …
anything that has to do with mind/consciousness/etc, they wave off…

A few I know do listen to what I have to say and are fascinated. Most of them aren’t willing to put that much effort into it though. :smile:

That could be part of your problem. Recording you dreams really does not take that much effort. I suggest trying to record your dreams agin and see if you get results.

Good Luck and happy dreaming