why they keep comin back to my dream?

moved from beyond :moh:

i keep seeing UFO-s in my dreams. but they appear like for one or two weeks and then there is a pause… for few months. they always want to steal me or to do something to me but they are always on pursuit to have me. i have never seen them. 2 times i have seen the ship. and always i have this feeling that tells me if i dont want them to catch me… they just cant do it.

have anyone seen something like that or can someone tell me what they want?

i know that one explanation can be that im just dreaming… but those dreams feel different… i can sense their presence even if they are not in the dream. i have had a quite few Lucid dreams and im familiar with the subject but thos ufo dream are like… not Lucid ones but something close to mild lucidity… but it still feels different.

Perhaps you are too obsessed with the UFO-s?
In any case, If you can get LD, ask for their purpose in your dreams.

Welcome to the forums! :welcome:

This is good. You are in a good position to have a dream sign. In this case UFOs are your dream sign. So every time you see one (on TV/Internet) you do a reality check and hopefully you will get that habit transferred into your dreams. So when you are dreaming you will do a RC and be lucid! Now you can see what they want with you.

I agree with everyone and I think that UFOs might just be your dreamsign. For some reason I dont usually get dream signs but I would look into your condition. Though have you ever taken into account that you might just be being abducted by aliens :smile:
The Luciddator

Lol, that’s what I was going to say. My sister is also obsessed with them… but anyway… You should look up what UFOs signify in a dream diary. Also before going to bed just say to yourself “If I see a UFO in my dream, then I will know I’m dreaming…” etc… That’s a good dream sign, since you will be prone to recognize it as such.

you probobly like them too much, but if that isn’t it then they probobly stands for somthing. a fear or a worry.i have seenthings like that before for me. i had a weird dream sign one time when i was worried about a test…a volcano.

but im not obsessed with them. really i dont think about them at all… and thats why im little confused when they come. and why they keep coming. i have a aunt who was kidnapped by them… but i have no obsession with them… whatsoever. and i can get lucid in a dream… that no problem. but when its ufo dream then im like half lucid and cant consentrate. but if no one knows what it about then… i have to come to conclusion myself.

P.S. i cant ask what they are doing there beacause i cant see them. i can feel their presents… i have seen their ship far away… but them never.

If they are far away in their ships, try to contact them through a radio or something. Try to make them land etc.