Why we dream - interesting article

Here is a very interesting article on the psychology today website about why we dream: psychologytoday.com/articles … 29-000003& print=1

That’s sad.
I don’t think it solved anything. And i don’t believe that to be the cause for dreams

IMO, dreams are the same as daydreaming, thinking etc. but in the subconcious side, we always have the mind and/or soul working like a desire God has put in us to accomplish things.

That was very interesting indeed. Nice find and thanks for posting it. It makes a lot of sense that it’s a practice ground but like the article said, the purpose of dreams probably goes far broader than just simulating dangerous scenarios, into problem-solving, etc.
Perhaps we don’t remember our early childhood because our conscious mind was under too much strain to learn to walk and talk. It’s likely we dreamt about these things as children in order to practice and learn them. That dream-practice probably allows our unconscious mind to develop those skills so that the strain can be taken off the consciousness giving us more time to just be aware.
Thus, when someone says something is “dream-like”, it may be because their unconscious mind has taken over giving them incredibly lucid awareness as the conscious mind is no longer in control. It just takes a seat and watches as instinct averts disaster.

I loved the article. It’s gotten me thinking about dreams which is a good thing because it means I’m definately going to be able to recall one or two tomorrow morning.