I have had quite a few lucid dreams, but have not yet held a conversation with a dream character. They tend to give one word answers or say something quite irrelevent. I had an LD two days ago in which I flew out of my house and down the path. Partway through, I met a group of children and I decided to talk to them. I said something like ‘Can I talk to you?’. A little boy turned round and looked at me and said “We’re not allowed to talk to you”. At the time I praised him and said he was doing the right thing, not talking to a stranger. Now I am wondering whether he meant something else…
Odds are he was meaning something else, If the theory that all DCs are fellow dreamers (I think so) is true then it may have been an innocent little boy, It also could’ve been your mind expecting not to be able to talk to him, so you couldnt.
well,real dreamers apear only in MD (i think so )
that little boy was only from your mind.
well thats what i think
What’s MD?
Ah I get it - mutual dreaming i.e. shared dreaming (SD).
I don’t believe that it was any kind of shared dream, and I do think the boy was just a creation of my mind. I suppose it is something in my subconscious which is stopping me from talking. I wonder why?
I know this has already been mentioned, but I’m surprised by the confusion over the nature of dream characters… Shouldn’t it be a pretty easy matter for people (especially those who have frequent LD’s) to test this by trying to find verifiable information from the dream character… what city do you live in, etc… When I get more LD’s it’s something I’ll definitely want to check out… there could be serious moral issues if DC’s are real but disembodied humans…
I’m gonna assume that they are creations of our own minds until myself or others find evidence to the contrary!
Yes, i agree and i’ll go back on topic too. What about those LDs i have where, just for fun i destroy everything, everyone is dead. Since that didn’t happen in real life and i never heard anyone tell me after that they had a dream where they were alive and the next minute they were dead.
Now about them not talking to you. It could have just been something from tv you saw previously maybe 2 days ago, for some reason if my dreams have anything to do with the real world it will be about 2 days before, not the last day weird. So it is not necessarily aimed at you to mean anything. Or maybe you’ve been talking to too many strangers like the people on this forum when you posted for the first time.
Isn’t that strange we can have a big conversation with someone we meet online, but in real life we are a little more reserved.
I wonder if you have something there, Alex. In real life I find it very hard to talk with people I don’t know, yet when I am on the forum, I have no problem with it - even people on the other side of the world
They rarely talk to me either. Even In my normal dreams. But, what about asking a dc why? Just a thought. And If they don’t answer, “spoon their eyeballs out” as shibu puts it. ^.^
A few days ago I wanted to talk to a DC so I asked her what the time was. She answered with “It’s against the law”
I understood it like it was against the law to talk to me.
I was persistant and eventually she started talking and interacting. It seemed the more sense she made was during lower lucidity. Some LDs are different and have very life like DCs.
Maybe another reason could be that our subconscious doesn’t really see the point in talking to your conscious brain. It might also be like 'what i can tell you is in your subconscious if you were meant to know it, you would aready know it in your conscious." I don’t really know, just guessing.
Same problem here
Strange thing though is that I already had conversations in LDs. Sometimes I think it get´s more difficult the higher your “lucidity-level” is. Or perhaps it has something to do with wanting a conversation? Paradox psychology, when I try hard to find someone talking to me they just won´t answer…
Another thing I noticed is that my NDs are usually full of DCs, but I seldom meet any in my LDs
I have anxiety, when it was bad a few months ago i couldn’t talk to people in my LD’s, nothing came out and i woke up. I have social anxiety by the way and don’t have that much confidence in having a conversation with people i don’t know.
A couple months afterwoulds my anxiety got better and now i can talk to people in my LD’s and without waking up either.
So i think its the subconcious.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one with this problem.
Morphius, I think that I have some sort of social anxiety. In my teens, I was too anxious even to buy a bus ticket or talk to someone in a shop. This is improving with time - it had to as I moved 200 miles from my parents when I was 17 and got a job.
I do find some situations very difficult still, especially parties, but people who knew me then think I am quite a different person now.
This could be a factor, though I don’t actually feel any anxiety in my dreams when talking to strangers (I think). I will have to try again in my next LD.
i have never experienced this because my I am usually not very lucid in my dreams. When I have a LD I realize I am dreaming but I don’t remember all the things I want to try and do. I once had a conversation with a DC but they acted different and it was very quick.
If you think having dream characters who will not talk is bad, try dreaming of one who won’t shut up! I wonder what it would be like if you had a dream character follow you around everywhere and constantly ask questions. “What are you doing?” “What are you doing now?” “Can I help?” “Where are you going?” “Can I come?” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I would hope to become lucid so I could turn him into a frog or something. Maybe I would banish them away forever. Seriously though… I dreamed once I climbed through a window and saw Freddy Krueger playing the piano. I asked him what time it was and he said 13:12. I said “That doesn’t make sense.” He said “Poetry doesn’t have to make sense in dreams.” I can’t believe I didn’t get lucid at that point having the obvious pointed out to me. AARRRGGGHHH!!!
hmm i dont know maybe seeing as far as we know (i think dc are a creation of the sub c. so there for that is where the problem is. Might it be that you are afraid of what they have to say that you have created walls in your sub c to stop you for reaching this point?
Couls it be that it is yourself holding you back? if so once you reconginse this then it should be simple to move past the barrier . Just yell at your self