I was wondering something today. WHenever, in real life, sometihng wierd happens, i question whether or not Im dreaming. Well in a dream when something like that happens, I dont usually think that its a dream. One of the reasons for these missed dream signs is because when you go to sleep, the logic hemishpere of your brain (i think thew left side) is not as active as the non logical, more artistic hemishpere. Because of this I am going to do an experiment.
Before I go to bed I will do some logical things, like math. I will then see if it has any affect on if I pick up dream signs. I think it would, no? I mean if your logical brain part is active right before bed, I think you will be more logical in your dreams. Well I am going to attempt this tonight, you guys do it too an post your results. thanks!
Its not really one side of the brain thats not as active in sleep, when you dream, after all, your brain is as active as when your awake. Its a part of your thought processes that isn’t really working. Its called the critical faculty. Its job is to determine wether stimuli is internal or external, and when you dream, its inactive. When you become lucid, it is re activated.
If I were you, instead of doing logical stuff like math before bed, I would meditate upon resolving to recognize that the next things you see (Dreams) are of internal origin, and there fore you can controll them, and poof, your lucid. This is actually a very old practise. Dream Yogis do this, they resolve to recognize that all things are the subjects of dreams while awake, and this train of thought carries over into dreams, kind of like the habit of doing RC’s.
And anyway, you wouldn’t want to go to all that effort and then just dream about doing math. Dreams can be very logical at times, after all.
Theres another reason why we dont pick up weird stuff happening right off.I think its all new hi-tech.Computers,tv,special effects-we`re so used to this that we dont take it as extraoridinary anymore.We dont question-ohh how hes done it?its impossibile!we just agree on fact it was done thx to speciall effects i.e.Know what i mean?Theres lotsa stuff like this around making us less and less sensitive to pure logic.
Just a thought.
The left side of our brain is the one we use everyday, the conscious mind, and it can only handle 7 pieces of information at once. The right side of our brain is the “unconscious” mind, it is prethought, where everything is stored. It can hold about 20,000 pieces of information. When we sleep, our left hemisphere goes to sleep and the right side is left to process all the things that happened. Since it is prethought, it does this in symbols and such, which when your awake will be translated into words/thoughts by the left hemisphere. Your dreams are the symbols and things that is being processed by your right hemisphere. (Hence, seeing things in your dreams that you saw IWL a day ago). I cant explain dreamsigns that appear constantly, but when you go lucid you should ask your dream characters what they represent, you are actually using the left side of your brain to translate the pre-symbols. When you meditate you’re slowing your brain waves down to theta/alpha, which allows you to better communicate with the right side of brain. When you dream, the right hemisphere might process what you suggested, therefore making you lucid or whatever. Any thoughts on this?
I dont think its so much a matter of the brain processing the days events, dreams are built from schemas that remain active. These bring up others by association as the dream unfolds. The reason you sometimes dream of the days events, is because those are the most active schemas. Thats the theory I go with anyway. I’m sure its different for everyone anyway, I rarely dream of my day’s events.
I think I’ve actually read that although each of us has a dominant hemisphere, no one side of the brain is any more active than the other. Also, when we are in REM sleep, our brains are just as active as if we were awake, because the brain is still processing stimuli just as it does when we’re awake. The only difference is that dream stimuli are of internal, not external origin.
Just thought I’d mention that.
Anyway, I also wonder why we dream of dreamsigns night after night, even if we arent necessarily lucid dreamers. Perhaps we are trying to tell ourselves something?
acutally i think there were two previous ones, i started one with saying that i had done maths for around about 2 hours or so and had a lucid dream that night. At that time i was only getting about one LD a month.
This was perhaps 10 months ago…i don’t really remember. Since then i haven’t really had to do several hours of maths right before bed and haven’t really thought about it any more. But i think it could work for some people.
I think it may just be something like the placebo effect. I downloaded an interview with Dr Laberge that said that both sides of the brain are active during dreaming, not just the right, so I dont know if doing a logical activity would help. Maybe it would, I could try it and see.
The brain isn’t as dichotomous as some of you have noted. We have a corpsus callosum or something like that- it links the two hemispheres of the brain and leads to many calculations of different sizes, shapes and content.