Wierd LD Areas

Has anyone been in a weird location?

Like a room with 2 doors but no walls?

Or maybe a world made of cheese or something?

What is the wierdest area you have ever been in?

Once, I was inside a painting. Like a world made of paint. Sort of like that scene in “What Dreams May Come” but more ethereal.

I’ve been inside a painting before wich was quite surreal, both the painting and the situation.

But the weirdest place was when I first walked through a mirror. Just before I went through, a DC told me “you wont find anything there but chocolate and…” I forgot the other thing. So I en up in a place wich was just brown. It didn’t really have walls or a floor but still sort of did. And there were cut out pictures of “celebrities” wich had been cut up and rearanged into random characters. They danced around me.

Err… my dream areas are often weird, but they’re not really weird. I think the weirdest I’ve had was “Fantasy Land”, which was a typical fantasy world with dragons, elves, goblins, and the like - but I saw it as a map, black and white, and two-dimensional, and through the same “camera” as a game I’ve been developing. Arguably it is the weirdest of my dreamscapes. There’s also the Trait Faire, and the Sizensin void (boy do I make up a lot of weird names for my dreamscapes), and… well. I won’t get into all the other dreamscapes or this would detiorate into mindless rambling. I mean more mindless than now.

I’ll shut up now…

The weirdest place i’ve been that i can remember is one time the DC of one of my school’s janitors showed me a secret room in the school.

It was dark, lit by blue fluorescent lights which were about 2 meters apart, perpendicular to the walls and 3 meters long, with about 4 of them in total. there were yellow turbine fans in the back of the room, about a meter in diameter, with 4 fish tanks below them. The floor was dark blue carpeted, with what would have been red specks in it were it not for the lights. Each fish tank had a short blue fluorescent light behind it, towards the surface of the water. The basic room layout was of an L shape if viewed from above, with the leftmost point of the L having the door, and the back of the room being the top.

That’s about as much as i can remember.

I remember of three weird places. Two were weird enough so that I decided to draw them:
The blue desert and the Ulthar cats :happy:
The lake of Antikaar :scared:

Another location was a place where the sun was slightly blue, so that it enlightened the whole world in blue. :smile: