wierd or what....

so last night i had a dream i was in some supermarket area… and on the shelf there were only strawberries all in the same case. Some cases though were full of squishy green strawberries while others were ripe and fine. And so i though nothing of this dream until now. I was getting the groceries out of the car and right there. in the EXACT same case was the strawberries. It was just like the dream. But what do you guys think? odd coincidence or possibly my mind or dream somewhat predicted the future…>??? :woah:

XD Everyone has different ideas on precog dreams, and sometimes they’re just subtle hints or play out exactly as we saw them. Perhaps your mind was just use to the strawberries being in such a case that you dreamed about it that way, who knows. Personally, I say it’s personal preference. Like once, I had a dream that someone in my family felt like they were being stalked, and the next day my sister was joking about someone she worked with stalking her. So yeah, I think it’s what you believe. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t.