[edit] Oops, I thought I was puting this in the BIG LD FAQ section…[edit]
OK, so I haven’t had an LD in like 40 days, but last night I think I did…
So I was lying in my bed after midnight, wondering if I was ever going to fall asleep (normally I’m sleeping soundly by 11:00), and I was having all these annoying little visions and pictures running around in my mind from Call of Duty 4 (I had been playing it all afternoon). Then all of a sudden, one of them got really, really vivid I was picturing, very vividly, running around with an mp5 and slaughtering the bad dudes. Just like every other LD I’ve had, I was sleeping really lightly, and was very aware of my real-life bedroom. I could hear the fan, feel the pillow…etc. So the dream was really cool, until I twitched my real-life eyes, and the vividness of the dream faded out. I’m not sure if it was an LD, but I know I’ve never pictured anything so vividly in my mind…
yes, you certainly had a lucid dream that came through hypnagogic images. while i played pc games, i always entered them in dreams, either lucid or not. they usually have a strong effect on mind.
you cant be quite sure that those are from real life, even though you are sleeping lightly( i am not saying imposible). they might be objects of dream.in your cse, you woke up in real when you twitched your eyes.i mostly end up in a false awakening when i do that, so they cant always be objects from real life that you are perceiving
Actually in my experience… to really use the unconscious to let you learn about yourself and secret knowledge, you can better stop playing video games. They interfere to much with unconscious processes when played intensively. (maybe this is by design??) Yes I know, this sucks (in the short term).
But you otherwise just use Lucid dreams as a thrillseeking activity like these games which is a shame but I agree -real fun- in the short time.
At least consider and will yourself to letting your unconscious determine the “content” (by asking the unconscious to guide and protect you before going to sleep) and even when lucid try not to alter the dream (for you dont really know yourself best), just go with the flow and learn the message that is conveyed to you by your unconscious. And later on when more conscious/lucid try to act morally as you would normally also do (don’t have sex with all the girls which you will anyway for morals in dreams is really hard to do and takes real commitment and faith) .
I assure you in the end it will be much more interesting than these games will ever be. For I promise there are baddies in your unconscious that are more convincing and more of a challenge than these games…
someone told me to stare DCs in the eyes and ask them to tell me who they were, but i realize this automatically made them have to be a bad guy, reflecting suspicion,
drafac, i think you have the following attitude.“dreams are messages form unconscious and should not be manipulated in any way through lucid dreams. and using the freedom of lucid dreams to enjoy oneself by activities like sex is unethical” i agree that some of the dreamers share that opinion.
in my view, there is nothing wrong with comitting any sin in dreams(murder, sex etc). it is the only time where the brain is left for itself to enjoy freedom.
and, why are we going offtopic? the post is NOT “effect of video games on LDing” ?