Hi all, I’ve been into lucid dreaming for a while now and been successfully lucid in a dream for a few times - and all this without a DJ but with few RCs (I don’t know why but it’s pretty hard for me to have a DJ and do RC all the time).
So what I’m trying to say is - the “normal” way to have a LD is pretty hard and needs time and practice.
I personally think WILD is easier to enter a dream but it i think it’s a bit scary - because of the sleep paralysis. I’ve already had a few times that I entered sleep paralysis (one time after a dream and one time when I didn’t slept for very long and when I went to sleep I had a sleep paralysis). Although the experiences were not that scary at all for me - I only had vibrations and heard sounds but no hallucinations and evil presence at all.
Although I’m still a bit scary I would try WILD. So I wanted to ask you the experienced guys if it’s easier.
So I have few questions - can you do WILD every night and enter a dream and be aware of?
Are there any other advantages?
Is sleep paralysis the only disadvantage?
Is it possible to “screw” your mind and not be able to fall asleep normally anymore and have every night a sleep paralysis?
How is WILD different than astral projection? I don’t know a lot about astral projection but from what I know the method to do it is pretty similar… In WILD do you see your physical body?
Moved from General Lucidness