yo, im new in the world of LD and i wanted to ask roughly how long does it take to get HI using WILD for people?

ive tried wild a few times and have only got to SP.

Also last night i tried WILD but gave up during SP before anything else could happen cos i got bored, and when i moved all my leg and arm muscles ached loads, is that normal?

it depends in when you try to WILD. Later in the morning it should come quicker. But not all people get HI. :wink:

ok thanks, ill try WILD and WBTB tonight if i cant manage to actually wake up :smile:

I hate people who mistake SP for just general numbness, you don’t just get SP, Its just as hard to get as HI, only it comes first to most people.

Umm… you hate them? That’s a little harsh. You might wanna say, “I hate it when people mistake SP for general numbness”

It depends… For example, i can lie down for two hours trying to get HI and achieve WILD but it just never happens. So i figured that WILD was not exactly the method for me.

hate is a strong word…

anyway to answer the question.
to understand how long its going to take you you need to know more about HI and when it happens. HI happens (if at all for some) during REM this is when you dream the info im about to tell you may not be 100% accurate but i will try my best anyway as you may or may not know you have multiple dreams per night but may only remember one. so you can have more than one REM period per night i thing its something like 4. ok so now that we know that we need to know when they start unfortunatly i dont know but the first one start about 3 hours after you go to sleep and then the time between them shrinks this is why WBTB is so effective because you will proberly wake up during the REM or between it and get HI much quicker hope this has helped :smile: