I have been trying to WILD last night, and it didn’t work. Maybe I’ve seen some hallucinations, but I barely remember results. More important is, that it might bring… sleepwalking. As I was in my aunts’ house with my grandma, they saw me going to the living room (the door leading to there are on the right end of the room), turning the TV on, coming back and heading to the bathroom (the door leading to there are on the opposite side). I don’t remember myself doing this (BTW, who’d watch TV on AV3 with “No signal” text jumping up and down in the middle of the night? ). That has an explanation in sleepwalking. But it’s 1st time it happened to me… could WILD attempt induce it?
Well, it’s always possible that you sleepwalked in the past, but nobody noticed you. I really don’t see how WILD could induce it, though…
If I may speculate. Sleepwalking takes place during deep sleep, perhaps the WILD meditation kept the brain more active than it was supposed to be and since walking around takes brain activity, it followed. WILDing is not known to cause sleep walking, I think it is a coincidence but you never know.
My mom just told me that she had also this sort of thing, but she didn’t know about LD, WILD etc. When she was young, she went in dream to the bathroom and than turned the TV on. My grandparents found her watching white screen - cause they didn’t broadcast TV channels during night in early 70s. When distracted, she just told them something like “I’m off, I’m off” and went to bed. Seems like it’s in family