WILD animations

Please go to dm7.net/wild.php
I’m currently working on the animations so I can write my own WILD article based on my experience… which works the best, etc. WARNING: Graphic-intense page!

What do you think of it? Is first stage of hypnogogic images animation accurate?

sorry… WILD makes a wrong link to my page since the unnessary codes are installed there from the message board :razz:


Copy and paste above… :sad: sorry.

:razz: Hate that bug… retype the address except CAPing the wild. :smile:

hmm… still giving me the “404 error”…

dig the new avatar, though :happy:


oh wait, i got it… looks fabulous! :happy:

Really like the hypnogogic animations DM7, think they should be longer and all be one i.e flow into each other. I think the link needs to be made stronger between the formless shapes and then the forming of those shapes into something recognisable by the mind.