[WILD] Blurred vision and headaches?

Hey… I think I’ve finally found my ideal way to get LDs :smile: after a wbtb, I just lie drifting back and forth into sleep while remaining conscious. The thing is, I never get HI’s. I just feel that something has changed and know that I’m asleep so I get up from my bed.

The weird thing is that in the beginning, my vision is really blurry and I’m usually unable to open up both my eyes, and have to stare into the floor for a while or I get a massive headache (yes, in the dream!). When I’ve waited a while and looked around slowly and carefully, my vision is really good, almost better than in the real world.

Has this happened to anyone else? :o Anyone know why this happens? (my guess is that the brain normally gets to “warm up” during HI, but I seem to skip that phase)

EDIT: don’t know what forum part this really goes in but hey

Well, you don’t need HI to WILD. I, personally, almost never get HI when I WILD.

Seems to me that you’re stabilizing your dream by looking at the ground, because the blurred vision usually signifies that the dream is going unstable, and clear vision shows that the dream is very stable.

About why you’re having headaches in the dream, it could be that your SC is simulating how you would feel IRL. I mean, if you were looking through a lens of blurry glasses IRL, wouldn’t you get a headache (though probably not as exaggerated, as dreams tend to exaggerate), too?

yeah that could be the reason why I get a headache, that’s true… seems more right the more I try to remember the feeling.

Actually I think it’s more about the brain going into another mode (“warming up” as I said) than stabilizing the dream in the beginning. Next time, I’ll try to grab hold of something in the dream and see how it feels, that’s usually a good way to indicate dream stability for me :smile:

I’ve had some visual distortions in DILDs. Sometimes one dream eye seems closed and takes a while to open. Other times both eyes are open but scenery is kind of blurry. Also rarely I get hyper reality.

Oliver Fox wrote about getting headaches. He said it happened when his body wanted to wake up. If he fought it for a while it would pass.

I am curious if anyone else experiences headaches in LD ?