wild / breathing tech report

You lay down in you’re bed preparing to sleep! don’t be excessively sleepy or you may not have the abbility to concentrate!
breath deeply a few times like 5 or 7! don’t count, just breath deeply until you feel more oxigenated! - i usually feel a light buzz
if this doesn’t seem to work, or if you just want to, you may choose to concentrate a little on you’re brain(or head) to concentrate some attention!
afterwards just let you’re thoughts flow attentively. i usually watch the visual patterns when my eyes are closed! (it’s kinda like TV visual noise or the eyelids being influenced by a little of light!) don’t forget to check from time to time where is you’re mind at the moment!
after a while of wandering around in my mind, the visualizations from the past or future (what did i do today, what will i do tomorow, etc.) start becoming a bit clearer and i start seing stranger pictures - oniric images!
at some point i stop and just let my mind flow around that picture, observing it and thinking about it.
at this point you can go lucid and procede with you’re dream.
i usually get expeled from the dream! i think my counsciousness doesn’t want to realize certain things about me!

OK i admit this text is a little confusing and badly structured so i will report what happened to me the other night!
ok now i feel a little light headed as if i didn’t smoke for 5 weeks and had just fastly smoked a cigarette.
look at my eyelids it seems like that grey out-of-focus TV screen when there’s no channel on! the only diference is that it’s redish and sometimes blue…
remember when my oldest cousin told me… - memory image
remember when my father… - memory image
tomorow i will… - imagining the future
what… - image
aonfi… - image

at this point thoughts start getting less readable

image image image thought thought though image image image
image of me holding a cell phone with someone next to me.
what is this image in my head i’m holding a cell phone??? ooohh ok i must be dreaming less try to change this phone into a pen!
i hide the phone being my back and started righting with the pen that the phone had turned into!! - i was not very conscious so i asked my self and started writting with the pen - i’m probably not dreaming because i didn’t change the phone into a pen… wait a minute i’m writting with the pen, therefor i’m dreaming the dream faded away with the excitement

the next few minutes i try entering my dreams again but when these oniric images apeared and i realized them (a few seconds after) my consciousness(the censure) made those images fade away.

You see if you’re an experienced LDreamer you’ll probably take controll of the dream much easier from that point!
I only had a few lucidity moments in all my life so i loose controll of the dream and eventually get kicked out!


BTW:You’ve probably realised that i’ve tricked you and that this has nothing to do with drugs! But feel free to experiment!

So bascially… you’re saying WILD works for you :wink:?

Remember, different techniques work for different people - some find WILD easier, and so find MILD easier… and some find another tech works better.

Oh, and those thigns you see with your eyes shut, it’s called HI :smile:. In that state, you may experince many other sensations (eg. being paralysed, body vibrating, feeling of falling, hearing sounds, etc.)

Sorry, but I tricked you as well :wink:

About the breathing:
Be careful with hyperventilation. A few deep breaths shouldn´t hurt, but don´t do it too much, cause you might pass out which can be very dangerous

On the other hand … loads of deep breaths might make you trip hehe. Look up Hollotropic breathing if you wanna trip through breathing :razz:
Invented by Czech psychiatrist Stanislav Groff I think!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: