Ok. So far i’m doing okay in WILD again after stopping for a while because of school, but i’m running into the same problem. I don’t know if this is just me, but I can’t keep still. After a while i’ll just get this crazy temptation to move, and when I do it feels so good (refreshing almost) but then I’m back to square one. So two questions: Is this a common problem? and how do i overcome it?
I get the same problem. You have to fight it, until, believe it or not, your body will become numb…or that’s my experience.
It’s easier to do it after WBTB, cause the body releases a natural narcotic.
There was a topic a while ago about this. The theory was that the body sends out a signal that will make you want to move to test if the mind is unconscious. If it is, you do nothing and fall asleep. If not you move and stay awake.
The point of it being that supposedly it’s better to fall asleep mind first then body. If you resist the temptation the body would interpret this as the mind being asleep and fall sleep itself. Something like that.
Yes I did read this awhile ago, tricking your body to going to sleep But it never worked for me
i find WILD to be the hardest way… i can’t do it…
the only one i have had to work at all is MILD
i had the same problem with WILD it would keep me awake… go figure…
I have found this to be an issue while doing my nightly exercises, trying to remain awake while falling asleep.
My trick is to focus on the tingling numbness. If you let it engulf you and imagine it as a positive thing instead of a negative, it can become less unpleasant. Another thing I have tried is doing difficult math problems in my head or trying to remember the lyrics to old songs, provide an alternate focus. The second method has never worked for me, however.
i had the same problem and that’s why i gave up WILD method. i also used to suddenly jerk, and i would be back to square one again…do you have that problem as well?
Roya, this is not exactly the same issue. It’s called a myoclonic jerk and you can find many threads about this on the forum.
Yeah, I’ve had the same problem… it was sooooo annoying, I just had to move! Anyway, WBTB and MILD work perfactly well for me