today i was pretty bored during my maths class and decided to lay my head down and have a rest, and i thought, hey? whynot try and wild? (i am currently too scared to try at home in my bed because i got sleep-paralysis-a-phobia, ie. scared of old hag syndrome), anyway i though i may as well try it coz even if i did get sleep paralysis during maths, that would be cool.
so anyways i put my head down on my desk as start counting backwards from 100 in my head. i can still hear eveyone talking, but after a while it was just rambling voices, and i wasnt concentrating on what they were saying, so they wernt distracting me, soon i felt a fuzzy feeling that i think may of been the virbrations, so i just left them, and for some reason, after a few seconds they faded away and i gave up and opened my eyes.
what did i do wrong? was the fuzzy feeling the vibrations everyone talk about? any responces are greatly apprecicated
There are a number of feelings that can occur while you are falling asleep. These probably vary from person to person, but in general they all represent your body shutting down, and your conscious mind losing it’s ability to control it.
These feelings are usually associated with WILD because it’s at that stage where the technique is designed to work.
Consider it to be a progress indicator. Naturally, the more of these feelings you encounter (and the greater the intensity), the closer you are to losing consciousness completely and falling asleep.
It’s not that these feelings don’t occur each time you go to sleep, it’s just you don’t usually notice them unless you’re paying particular attention to them for the purpose of using WILD.
cool, thanx, so i guess i should just stick with it.
i think i have to overcome my fear of waking up into sleep paralysis, its just that i hear that if you use WILD your way more likely to wake up in SP, and have terrorfying experiences with old hags / demons, but i guess if i know whats happening it completely normal i might be able to control it to some degree. so i might try it tonight/tomorrow morning
also, its good to see some other aussies on here
did you come from ocau, coz you seemed to have registered about the same time i did.
Tell me, when you were in the maths class were you doing maths before you tried to WILD, or were you talking or not paying attention? I ask this because once i did a lot of maths work and i had an LD, not a WILD, but an LD. I would suggest that if you can to try again. One reason why it may not have worked was because someone may have made a loud sound and woke you up.
yeah, i’ll try again this maths lesson,
heh, nothing better to do.
i reckon LDing in maths class would be cool.
although i did have a LD last night, i snuck out to a party and i needed to be home at a certain time, but i couldnt find the train station for some reason, so i tryed to remember where the train station was, then i noticed i wasnt in my home town, then i knew that i was dreaming, and i thought to myself, “hey if i’m dreaming, i dont need to go home” but then everything went white, (not black) and i woke up, almost
I’m not sure what OCAU is, so I can assure you it’s just a coincidence.
I’ve actually been registered on this site for about a year now, but I changed Email addresses and somehow forgot my password
Do you find yourself feeling constantly tired, and easily able to fall asleep no mater where you are? I ask because you seem to be describing something called Hypnagogic Hallucinations, which are generally associated with a desiese called Narcolepsy.
I suggest you do some research on it, because I don’t think it’s entirely normal to see terrifying visions like you describe.
if i put my head down and close my eyes. i can pretty much fall asleep anywhere. and i havent had any of these visions, i have just had some pretty freaky nightmares and i wake up in a sweat. but people that do wilds have said that they get SP and they panic because they cant move and it feels as if they have something sitting on there chest, and usually they hallucinate and see freaky stuff coz there panicing.
anyway, i think i’ll just have to get over my fear and try it, and if i do wake up into SP i’ll just shoot lightning bolts from my fingers and kill whatevers
Must be real nice to be able to fall asleep anytime so easily. Are you usually sleep deprived or does it just come out of boredom? I found out that the only way I fall asleep is if I lose myself in my thoughts, and I mean get totally disconnected from reality/where I am/what I’m doing… What’s your secret?
actually i think i can thank my parents for this gift.
when i was a little kid, they used to put me to bed really early everynight
and even when i was 10-12 i was going to bed at about 7:30 every night, not because i have to, but because i wanted to because i grew up getting lots of sleep and my body seems to have gotten used to it, but nowadays i’m up to atleast 12pm-1am so i am usally still a bit tired during the day, not tired enough to be drowsy, just tired enough so that if i want to i can fall asleep.
From what I understand, there seems to be a connection between getting good sleep at an early age, and insomnia for the opposite. Yea genetics does make the most difference, but maybe this is a better reason to put kids to sleep early, if not the reason itself.
well today, in english i tried again, i crossed my arms on the desk and put m head down, after about 10 mins my mind was drifting, and i noticed that my arm twitched, thus moving my head, but i felt like someone had pushed my head, it then swayed side to side, it felt realy wierd, then i got a buzzing feeling and really wierd static type hypnogigic imagery, then without fail, again, i got excited and ruined the whole thing,
whats all this stuff you guys are talking about? such as LD and WILD?? im new at sleeping and dreaming so i dont know what any of this is… can anyone tell me?
Go to the “Lucidity Intro” forum in the “ld4all forum index”.One of the top messages is about acronyms that are used in here.
Or move your cursor on one of those words you don´t know, then a short explanation should pop up.
I sometimes meditate sitting in a car while my friends and i go touring somewhere and not always but it happens that i just go straight into a ld from there (after 15 min) by just making my mind empty…The trick is that u must not pay attention how far u are…just let it happen…with other words when u have decided u try a wild…just let go…dont be conscious of a goal anymore while practising…it blocks u because it comes from your consciousness…and impatience comes from there to…while in a wild let go of your goal…unless u want to experience every detail from waking till ld
then u have to split your consciousness, but then 4 me it has bercome a trance wild and not a wild or a meditation that becomes a wild…
Go with the flow while inside of a wild stage…dont pay attention to anything…just flow…and if u succeed or not…let go of that it blocks u getting there…because u created then a goal linked to consciousness…
And dont try to figure out how close u are to the dreams stage…u notice soon enough when u get there…
In my personal experience, I also thought the fuzzy feeling was what people called the ‘vibrations’. Then I got the vibrations for real one time during a nap. They felt like actual vibrations throughout my body. They were VERY intense… So chances are you’ll know for sure when you do get them After the vibrations I fell through the bed with my dream body.
But it depends on the tech I use…
If I use the tibetan throat chacra way it takes between 10 to 15 min if i dont want to lose consciousness anywere on the way then i need between 1 and to 2 hours these days…
Hi Anoushka…your from holland like me and some others here…nice!
The tibetan throat chakra 4 wild tech…
its very simple…
lay on bed…relax!
both hands on your stomach or belly button , palms down to belly side.
Then u start to visualize a rose budd or a orange flame on the place of your throat (inside the centre of your throat)…
Now u also start with focussing your breathing at this point…(throat chakra)
Use your awareness/concentration to melt the visualisation and breathing as one…make them one at the point of your throat chakra…
You really focus on this and at same time try to fall a sleep…if u are trained and your concentration is not bad u will wake up lucid in dream stage…
I still use this and it works fine 4 me…