It was exam week this week and I finished my Geometry exam early with a good extra 30 minutes of nap time . I put my head on my desk and was thinking about lucid dreaming a lot. It wasn’t even really intentional, just random thoughts about LDs flowed through my head. I stayed aware until I actually began to enter a dream. There was a sudden burst of color behind my eyes in a weird pattern. I felt my body go numb, but yet it felt like I could still move it at the same time. The hypnogogic imagery began to form into a dream. I think I saw myself looking at the sky and I saw some trees surrounding my horizon. It was very low clarity though.
I was pretty much between awake and dreaming somehow. I still felt my real body, but at the same time felt my dream body. I could feel my eyes slightly twitching as my eyes moved about underneath them. I noticed that my real body's heart rate went way up. Does our heart rate normally skyrocket during REM? I might have just been excited since I never had a WILD like this one before.
I think it is odd how I can WILD easily at school, but not in my bed. I remember Athiest said something before about sleep positions where if its one that you think you can't sleep in, it is more likely that you will stay conscious long enough until REM comes in. I never tried this until now and it seems to prove true. I used to think that I can't sleep face up, but if I do WBTB first, I will probably end up having a WILD.
Anyone else have any lucid experiences intentionally or unintentionally at school/work?
I haven’t had any LDs while on school, but I often have HI while on a bus, driving back home. Nothing special actually…
But I’ve read about a very talented OBE-er who could OBE at almost any place. She just had to close her eyes, relax and concentrate a bit until she’s ready to leave her body. When lessons were boring, she also did this during class. Thus she could explore the world while others were attending the boring class
It must be amazing to be able to do these kind of things
hey trancewave cool experience
so is it true if you try and sleep in a position you never nrmally lie in and its uncomfortable you have more chance of WILD?
plus any1 got that link to site that tells you alll about WILD VILD and the others?
this happend to me at school aswell. school is boring. Dreaming is fun. That kinda makes sense that if you are in an awkward position its easier to wild. Intresting.
I have had quite a lot of experiences where I fall asleep within 5 min and dreamt lucid dreams cuz I wilded. I woke up thinking that I missed the bell (time to leave and go to other class). It was bizarre.
Also if I get really tired, I could just keep my eyes open and… the next thing I knew was that I was falling out of body. I always jerked. People made fun of me afterward. sighs
And yes, your heartrate rockets up just before you enter pre-REM and REM cycle.
Also position I agree could have something to do with that unintentional WILD’s also sometimes when your teacher forces your brain to work hard and be alert, you easily can slip into dream world consciously because you’re still trying to think logically and try to be alert. Happens to me all the time at school.
Being sleep deprived also intensify this experience, but I don’t recommend doing that especially if you have school to attend to.
Yeah, it rockets up the most just before you have REM cycle and during that cycle. It’s like your body going into hyperactivity mode just to dream. You might also notice that breathing speeds up a bit or sometimes a lot, depending on how huge impact that cycle hits though.
WILD’S could be easier when you’re not at home and your mind is more alert allowing you to fall asleep conciously.
I was really tired on the bus to work once, could hardly keep my eyes open. Because I’m always particularly self concious in public it meant I was concentrating hard on staying awake (worried about people seeing me fall asleep while sitting up). But for a couple of seconds my body did fall asleep and I felt a weird hot and cold tingling all over me. I’ve never experienced it at home. I reckon it may have turned into an LD if I’d let it continue.