Hi there,
I read about LD about one week ago. All this stuff really fascinates me.
I though about it a little and realized that in fact I already had a really short one when I was a little child. I always were and are still fascinated by flying. When I was little, I still thought that things like super powers are existing, so one night I thought about flying a long time, when suddenly I was flying over mountains. It felt quite real and was so impressive that I still remember it… However, I was so excited that I was kicked out of the dream right away.
I really WANT to experience a LD again. I really WANT IT. So bad.
I tried WILD 3 times in total now (I know most people need far more tries to actually get some results) and this is what happened:
1st try: I lay down on my back, both hands folded over my chest. I relaxed as much as I could and tried to concentrate on my hand. However, I noticed that my mind often jumped around random thoughts and I lost concentration… Sometimes I noticed that I suddenly had a bizarre scene in mind (I remember that I “saw” a snowman hitting my friend in the face with a snowball. It wasn’t any vivid though. And I wasn’t ‘in’ it, I still felt my body laying on my bed and all.) But after around 10 minutes, a strange feeling kicked in, a really strange one. I felt like my body gets distorted and I was falling. Suddenly, there wasn’t anything between my head and feet anymore, then my chest was 20 cm moved to the left, and the most strange thing was when I felt like my mind, my ‘point of view’ was not inside my head, but next to it, like it wanted to move out of my body. But no, it wasn’t enough craziness yet: my eyelid started to shake and move around. I felt like I was in REM while awake, totally crazy. Because it was my first WILD experience ever, I was quite shocked of how much happened, so I only thought about this and my heart bounced hardly. After a little time I just fall asleep normally.
At the next day I didn’t remember any dream directly and was a little disappointed because of that. However, as I moved through the day, some little snippets of a dream came to my mind again. I remembered that I’ve dreamed of an album cover of an imaginary music disc. It said something like “Nilsen SuperChunk Remix”, then something like a photo which was ran through an Aquarell- filter, then some text I can’t remember. Gray background with a nice lite gray gradient over it. Nothing more, that was it. Everything I remembered.
My second attempt to WILD failed horribly. I just lay there, my arms next to my body this time. Nothing happened. Nothing at all.
This night I tried to WILD again. I didn’t have THAT much success. I tried the same technique as my second attempt again and after a while, I felt like I was falling again and I started to feel my hands tingling a little, then I felt totally heavy and I saw some lights as if I was pressing my hands on my eyes. I also felt some kind of fear. I don’t know what, but I really feared something. I felt really cold suddenly, then hot again and was covered in sweat… it was awkward. But nothing more happened. After a time, I moved and drank something. Well, failed again. Then I opened my computer to write this. I also read some of the WILDing- FAQs here and some of them said that a mind which constantly jumps from thing to thing is not good while WILDing and you should concentrate on something. I want to try it again now since it’s only 12 'o clock.
Do you have any tips for me? Anything I should try or do? Remember, I’m a total noob. Also, I know that if you feel like you have to scratch something, you should just ignore it, what if I have to swallow? I mean, it’s kind of impossible to ignore the need to swallow without coughing.
Thank you.