WILD failing

Hi there,
I read about LD about one week ago. All this stuff really fascinates me.
I though about it a little and realized that in fact I already had a really short one when I was a little child. I always were and are still fascinated by flying. When I was little, I still thought that things like super powers are existing, so one night I thought about flying a long time, when suddenly I was flying over mountains. It felt quite real and was so impressive that I still remember it… However, I was so excited that I was kicked out of the dream right away.
I really WANT to experience a LD again. I really WANT IT. So bad.
I tried WILD 3 times in total now (I know most people need far more tries to actually get some results) and this is what happened:
1st try: I lay down on my back, both hands folded over my chest. I relaxed as much as I could and tried to concentrate on my hand. However, I noticed that my mind often jumped around random thoughts and I lost concentration… Sometimes I noticed that I suddenly had a bizarre scene in mind (I remember that I “saw” a snowman hitting my friend in the face with a snowball. It wasn’t any vivid though. And I wasn’t ‘in’ it, I still felt my body laying on my bed and all.) But after around 10 minutes, a strange feeling kicked in, a really strange one. I felt like my body gets distorted and I was falling. Suddenly, there wasn’t anything between my head and feet anymore, then my chest was 20 cm moved to the left, and the most strange thing was when I felt like my mind, my ‘point of view’ was not inside my head, but next to it, like it wanted to move out of my body. But no, it wasn’t enough craziness yet: my eyelid started to shake and move around. I felt like I was in REM while awake, totally crazy. Because it was my first WILD experience ever, I was quite shocked of how much happened, so I only thought about this and my heart bounced hardly. After a little time I just fall asleep normally.
At the next day I didn’t remember any dream directly and was a little disappointed because of that. However, as I moved through the day, some little snippets of a dream came to my mind again. I remembered that I’ve dreamed of an album cover of an imaginary music disc. It said something like “Nilsen SuperChunk Remix”, then something like a photo which was ran through an Aquarell- filter, then some text I can’t remember. Gray background with a nice lite gray gradient over it. Nothing more, that was it. Everything I remembered.
My second attempt to WILD failed horribly. I just lay there, my arms next to my body this time. Nothing happened. Nothing at all.
This night I tried to WILD again. I didn’t have THAT much success. I tried the same technique as my second attempt again and after a while, I felt like I was falling again and I started to feel my hands tingling a little, then I felt totally heavy and I saw some lights as if I was pressing my hands on my eyes. I also felt some kind of fear. I don’t know what, but I really feared something. I felt really cold suddenly, then hot again and was covered in sweat… it was awkward. But nothing more happened. After a time, I moved and drank something. Well, failed again. Then I opened my computer to write this. I also read some of the WILDing- FAQs here and some of them said that a mind which constantly jumps from thing to thing is not good while WILDing and you should concentrate on something. I want to try it again now since it’s only 12 'o clock.

Do you have any tips for me? Anything I should try or do? Remember, I’m a total noob. Also, I know that if you feel like you have to scratch something, you should just ignore it, what if I have to swallow? I mean, it’s kind of impossible to ignore the need to swallow without coughing.
Thank you.

One thing that I’ve read about WILD is that you should try to forget about your real eyes and instead concentrate on your mind’s eye. It helps to focus on the zone right above your eyes, between your eyebrows. It’s difficult at first but practice helps.

I would say, if you have an itch…scratch it :smile: But if you feel a strong compulsion to get up…maybe try hanging in there a little while longer, just staying put and relaxing while observing. Those strange sensations you are feeling are definitely an indication that you are very close, from my experience :content:

didn’t have any luck again ._. Thank you for your answers though. The funny thing is that my first try to WILD really was the most successful one and I can’t seem to get it to work again.

Edit.: I also can’t remember any dream again. I had nine hours of sleep, so I definitely went through some REM- phases. :confused:

I know you’re the one with questions but I have one too, when do you try to WILD? It’s very important that you try WILD after few hours of sleep because we need 90 - 120 minutes to enter first REM cycle which is very short, so as night night goes on the time for entering in REM cycle is shorter therefore you will enter REM sleep faster and REM cycle is longer therefore you will have more time to dream… Also the dreams in few first shorter REM cycles are less vivid, life like and memorable… So definitely you should do WILD after 3 or 4 hours of sleep, or even more - even better.

Second thing don’t look at those attempts as fail. Because they are not. Like you said, you are noob/beginner and you learn and WILD is process that needs to be learned. All we can say and provide is some general, known thing and fact about WILD also you can learn from our experience but at the end it all comes to your own way, because WILD is very personal experience and it’s different for each person.

As I said WILD is process and it took me some time to learn how to WILD. You don’t actually learn what WILD is you learn how to trick your body into falling asleep consciously. Here you need to learn will you swallow or not, will you scratch or not, will you sleep on your back or not, it’s very experimental technique and that’s what you need to do, experiment… That’s the only way to learn how to do WILD.

Also very important thing: you need to fall asleep in order to enter REM sleep therefore dream. When you’re doing WILD at some point you need to let yourself fall asleep. When?! I would suggest you when you start to feel odd and strange things that you described in your post on several occasions… Try that for a week and see where it takes you…

I hope I helped you with my post, but if you have any more questions just ask! :content:

Thank you for your awesome reply. :smile:
My first WILD was directly in the afternoon at around 10 pm. In this night I woke up at around 4am and did my second try then - as I already said, nothing happened. My third try was in the evening, too. I know someone who is 17 years old, quite friendly, and I recently heard that he’s a trained lucid dreamer, so he always gives me tips. He told me that it is actually possible to directly “jump” into a LD after WILDing and the time doesn’t matter. In the night I first had a lucid dream I actually spent half of the night imaging to fly, fell asleep then and had this vivid dream for around 3 minutes. No sleep before it at all.
But of course I’ll try to wake myself in the middle of the night with an alarm clock. Maybe it works better then. :smile:
When I first WILDed, I think I was way too excited because I wasn’t informed of what would happen, so the strange feeling took me by surprise. Maybe I should just have fallen asleep…

Again, thank you. :smile: I hope I will lucid dream, soon. It sounds so awesome.

Yes, theoretically you can but there are many factors that can and will affect the outcome… For instance:

That is special case because it’s known if you stay awake for long time which you did here because you were awake all day and like you said half of the night and you probably skipped automatically stages that comes before REM and you were actually in a dream next thing you know… I was more talking about going to bed at 10pm and then trying WILD… It’s possible but with much less effort at least at the beginning…

I would suggest auto suggestions or mantra, like: I will wake up after 5 hours of sleep. It’s better then alarm because you are bringing some kind awareness in your mind and if you wake up by using mantra it’s more calm way of waking and it’s more natural. It won’t disturb your sleep and it won’t affect you DR. Because sometimes when alarm wakes us we feel shaken and we can easily forget our dreams…

In my first WILDing- night I wanted to wake up at around 4 but I didn’t have any alarm clock with me… I still thought about waking up at 4 though… And I woke up at 10 to 4, without any hunger, thirst or need to pee. I guess it was something like this, wow. :content:

all right, I think I made some progress. Last night, I was wilding as before, but suddenly, the phone rang. I knew that it’s probably something really important (my father is living in another time zone and often forgets that I’m already sleeping), so I wanted to get up and answer it. However, I couldn’t really move. It wasn’t like my muscles were “dead”, but it was like there was something blocking their movement, like I didn’t really want to move them. Then I opened my eyes and was able to move again. So I guess, this was SP?
Anyway, the night before, I experienced something really strange: As I was dozing off, I suddenly felt myself scratching my neck. A second later I realized that I didn’t do that, though. I was really confused because it totally felt real. Then, I suddenly heard a loud, male voice saying some strange things. It didn’t say any words though! I don’t remember more of that night. In the morning I woke up my mother cooked some sausages and the first thing I thought about was the smell of them and I forgot everything I dreamt.
Were I already dreaming when I heard the voice?

Anyway, I’m now capable of remembering at least one dream every night. Also, I realize how they get clearer and clearer, I remember more details every night. Once I dreamt of a long, rocky coast with the sea beneath it. I was walking across it together with my mother, then I wanted to get more into the land to take a photo of the sea (I take a lot of photos in RL), but my mother really was against it. We argued a little and she seemed like she really had panic about moving away from the sea. I can still remember everything, the wind, the feeling of the sand I was standing in, and the sound of the waves. Then some strange things happened which I don’t want to share here since they are quite personal.
In another dream (kind of a nightmare), I collapsed during the sports lesson in school. It honestly felt so real that I was wondering in the morning wether it really happened or I just dreamt it.
I also dreamt about beautiful things, of course :content: I think that I’m more happy in general in the summertime, though, and I guess that my dreams are nicer in that time, too.
I often dream about music. I really hear that music in the dream, it’s kind of funny. I can listen to a whole track inside a dream and my brain plays them back like my mp3 player and in the next morning I can exactly remember which tracks I listened to in my dream. I’m a really into music in RL, too, not only hearing, but also creating. https://soundcloud.com/jason-efstathiou is my soundcloud, by the way, I will actually even release one song on itunes, soon.
Anyway. I write down every dream I remember every morning and when I suddenly remember something during the day. However, I can’t find any parallels, any symbols I often dream about, nothing. The only thing I realized is that I dream about school or teachers alot. Do you think instead of trying to WILD every night, it would be better for me to accustom RCs everytime I see teachers or my school? I mean, when I really got used to it, I will do them in my dream, too, right? And then I will realize that I’m dreaming and the dream turns lucid, doesn’t it?

The things you described are from SP, only hallucinations so getting accustomed to them is very good thing to do. Also knowing what is hallucination and what isn’t is crucial, because if you see something scary or hear something scary and you know that’s only a hallucination then you will not panic and you will not break SP.

Doing RC and WILD are not generally connected. I would strongly suggest to use both especially if you are WILD-ing for some time now… My advice is to combine techniques for better results…

Something happened again. I STILL wasn’t able to force myself into a dream, seem like it’s not that easy for me really.
Anyway, last night I did WILD again and suddenly saw total white. It then faded away as some glowing points and I felt my whole body itching… I entered sleep paralysis, I guess. I then fall asleep after some time.
When I woke up, I forgot to think about my dreams, but some minutes later I tried to remember them and had success. I wasn’t able to remember them fully, but some scenes came to my mind. I remembered being at a dark place (I think it was a forest) in the night. There was a lake nearby and it was a rather scary scene. I then saw a long railway going over the water. Suddenly, a black car approached and some men got out with weapons, pointing at me. Then the strange thing happened: I was like “Oh, when I get shot, my dream will stop”. I kind of realized that I was dreaming, but I failed to remember all the possibilities. The only thing I did was reversing the time and trying different tactics to avoid being shot by the two men. It wasn’t a very clear dream. I remember that my dream body sometimes didn’t react to what I wanted. I had MUCH clearer dreams already.

So, I realized that I was dreaming but failed to remember all the possibilities.

PS: I dreamt about a melody again in a recent dream. I was sitting in front of my piano, but it sounded like a whole orchestra. Anyway, I FULLY remember the melody I played. Totally. It’s like I heard it in RL. I decided to remake it on the pc the day after that as good as possible, this is what I did: soundcloud.com/jason-efstathiou/snow-fox
That’s great, composing a song while dreaming.

I just had my first LD! :smile:)
What happened:
I attempted to WILD again in the evening but then stopped because I felt thirsty suddenly. I fell to sleep then normally.
I slept around 8 hours, then I started to have One of my normal, wierd dreams.
This is the end of the dream (and how it turned lucid):
I had a sports lesson (which was a little strange, but there were too many details to write them here) and at the end, we went out, but all walked down stairs - the stairs in my house. I then had a strange feeling and thought “It’s all really strange. I feel like I’m dreaming.” I decided to take my hand, but it on the nose and try to breathe. I was able to breathe. I then pressed my hand on the nose harder because I couldn’t really believe it, but I really was able to breathe through my closed nose… I then took my hand and looked at it - 7 Fingers. Wow. I suddenly got excited, ran down the stairs and jumped and flyied. I tried to go through the ceiling, but it felt like it was made from latex. It pushed me back. After landing in the living room, I looked through the window and realized that it was night, so I tried to raise the sun, and boom, woke up. I think I got a little too excited there… :happy: Anyway, wow, my kind of first lucid dream! :smile: I really hope that this happens again soon and manage to not get overexcited next time.
Thanks for all your help!


Congrats on your first LD. It’s amazing that you could fly, it seems that flying comes naturally to you, it’s same with me.

Ok, about over over excitement. Once you become lucid you need to confirm that to you like really confirm. But conferment doesn’t stop here. From my experience I need to do RC every now and then, just to be sure and no to lose grasp of what is happening. Doing that you will keep some sort of calm, also you can try to stop in LD and look around, try to feel calm and tell yourself that this is ok and cool, no need to panic…

Good luck!

dont fold your hands over your chest :smile:

This is my first post on the site.

Anyway, I’m using a program by Stephen LaBerge, it’s got a lot of helpful info in it.

The main technique that seems to help is the Wake Into Lucid Dream technique, where you set an alarm to wake yourself up in the early morning hours, get up and walk around for a bit, and then go back to bed. Then you’ll hopefully have a more vivid and easier to recall dream because you interrupted your REM sleep cycle.

I’ve had one lucid dream using this method, but a lot of other vivid dreams that I remember well.

As far as going lucid, do you typically get lucid by realizing you are dreaming once you are in the dream, or do you use certain techniques while you are falling back to sleep/ waking up from the dream.

I’ve heard about the rolling over technique (where you mentally imagine yourself rolling over but don’t physically move your body). I’m just wondering, how do I take it to the next level, now that I’m waking myself up earl and going back to bed and having vivid and recallable dreams?