Wild feelings during WILD!

I used wild as in wild really, like strange or wierd!
Yesterday i was trying to wild and i was rubbing my dream hands. I was getting into it so hard that i was actually hearing the hands rubbing sound.
Ok this was all fine and dandy, but i started noticing a very strong feeling that i couldn’t identify to nothing really! I couldn’t tell wether this sensation was good or bad, it was just very intense!
I’ve had lucid moments and i felt that great rush, but this i don’t know what it was! It just scared the hell out of me. So i forgot WILDing and got to sleep!
I will try it better tonight and try to not be affraid!
Got anything to say?

can you explain me more about this intense sensation?

i dunno it was kinda like “Wow i’m LDing” sensation! but this time i had this gut feeling it wasn’t so positive! maybe it was just chicken fear!

i don’t want to experience that chicken fear then

Perhaps you were only ½ asleep and not really dreaming. The border state between waking state and dreaming can be weird and confusing. I would not worry about it.

You can experience weird things when you WILD but, it can also be very enjoyable as well. You just have to realize that nothing can harm you and let go of your fears.

I love to WILD!

Amen, brotha.

WILDing is the coolest thing ever. Can be a little scary, but it sure is a ton of fun! i’m still waiting to get a full blown LD out of it, though. The short dreams at the end of it are pretty piddly and don’t last very long.

Speaking of which, I’m going to ask this in the FOIL induced topic, when you guys WILD, can you ever hear your breathing? I think that’s what causes me to break out of it cos I can hear my breathing (sorta, I don’t FOCUS on it but I can’t hear it…) and it’s really shallow, so it kinda scares me. I just thought of that.

i don’t usually do, but sometimes i concentrate on it and it’s pretty shallow too! it doesn’t bug me! yesterday i was trying to WILD and couldn’t rub my dream-hands… i always had dream scenes involving hands but never mine! i guess i just didn’t get into that deep concentration level as earlier!