i’m trying for a while to start a lucid dream with the wild technique .
But when my body gets paralysed and HI starts , my heart begins to beat really fast and strong.
This doesn’t scares my but i feel very uncomfortable so i break up the wild.
what can i do against this ?
practice…practice…practice…and relax…i used 2 have this same problem when i started WILD…i would get paralized and vibrations would start so i would breath really fast and my heart would beat very fast and i would screw up all the work i had done 4 the last 20 minutes. so u have 2 realize that the only way that u will suceed is if u r relaxed…the more u try 2 WILD the more u will get use 2 this and it will b easier…each time u will get closer and closer until u have got it…when this happens just try 2 relax and act is if it is nothing unusual…hope that helps…
I hear the whole heart speeding up thing happens to a number of people.
It seems to me to do with excitment, but as I don’t use WILD…
/me shrugs.