WILD - Heavy, Dense, Slow Feelings Before Falling Asleep

I’ve been playing with the WILD technique. This morning I tried the method after waking up for an hour. After a while of WILDing I started to feel different, some tingling sensations, then a kind of stretching feeling. Soon after that, my body seemed to become increasingly heavy and dense, as if I, at the same time, had grown impossibly large and solid. I was still aware and could move and when I did my perception seemed to stretch across a few moments, like there was a momentum to time. I found the more I moved or the less I focused on the feeling, the faster it would start to fade. In the end, I got so caught up in experimenting with the new feelings that I never did fall completely asleep.

Long explanation for my question - anyone have similar sensations while WILDing or any other LDing?

Every person has different experiences. The fact you are experiencing something new is a good sign.

Focus on relaxing your body using any techniques you are familiar with or just think of any. Try to focus away from your body and completely forget it. Enter a zone where you don’t feel you have a body. Focus on a reality you wish to enter.

Keep experimenting with it, preferably daily. The time you have chosen to practice is a good one.

You’ll get better and better at it and you will find your own answers.

Have fun :smile: