I have quite a bit of experience with meditation and can get “deep” pretty quickly. When I do this when going for a WILD I can pretty easily get to the point where images form and short clips are played in my mind. Unfortunately, once these images start to form I have the bad habit of making them dissapear as soon as I acknowledge them. I could only describe this as(it feels like this anyway) trying to focus my vision on the images and then they dissapear. Does anyone know what I am talking about? It can get frusterating but I can’t seem to just let the images form and follow them into a dream. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on this subject?
I know exactly what you mean. I think the only way to really keep them there is to not acknowledge them. That’s the only solution I’ve found. When I get farther into them, it’s almost like being in a brief, brief dream. Interacting with HI is fun, but it tends to disappear pretty quickly.
I have never been able to follow HI into a dream. I just have to let it go, and keep waiting until I have a short blackout, and then am in a dream. It is just that some people work differently then others. I have also never had SP, or vibrations. I just get real relaxed, then there is some HH, mostly HI, with some auditory, and very seldom some feelings, but that is it. If I focus on any of that I get too awake.
If following HI into a dream doesn’t work for you, then you could try waiting until you get vibrations, or a dream just comes. That might work insted.
I’m exactly the same. I can’t seem to maintain the threshold of thought activity below the point of being aware of HI without making it vanish, so i usually just MILD my way into a short blackout, from which I spontaneously appear in a tunnel being ‘flung’ into a dream at high speed.
From almost any point, with a little meditation, I can get into some pretty serious HI. It’s like the beginning of an actual dream. But as soon as I think about it, I’m wide awake again. A few times, I’ve just lay in bed first creating this, then trying to stop my brain from halting it, over and over again. It takes a lot of effort, but each time I seem to be able to hold it a fraction of a second longer.
But if it were feasible, with enough practice, for one to be able to keep HH going long enough to fully enter an LD, the possibilities are awesome. One could envision not only being able to LD at will in bed, but also throughout the day, as a form of (very) portable entertainment (or tool, or whatever you use your LDs for). drools. But that’s obviously a long way off for most people (including me). Fun to think about though.
Try ignoring the HI and continuing to count like a zombie. Dont really concentrate on counting either, but keep it going in the backround. I dont usually stop at 100, I just keep going and going and eventually I get vibrations and scenes opening in front of me like someone moved the curtains out of the way. I always try to move into them though and they close again x.o
I know what you mean after only two attempts at WILD. First time, I got the stage of seeing brief clips and dark circles, then I gave up. The next time, I saw a very large black cirlce in my mind. It was like a pool and I went into it. Then images started appearing and short clips. Everytime I saw one of these, my head was pulled towards it but a reflex pulled it back. This happened about four times before I fell into the dream at high speed. When those images appear, stay relaxed and don’t focus on them, or do but don’t focus, focus, just be aware.
What i do is, when i see the first few HI’s , i let them just go for a while, then after a few minutes i project my self into the dream… the feeling is really hard to describe… basically just try to “walk” into the dream or visualize yourself jumping into a scene