[WILD]How to repeat the success?

Today I was woken up a couple of hours before I actually got up, and I was kinda in the stage where I drift in and out of dreams cause i’m only half awake. I don’t really know why it suddently occured to me, but conciously I started to imagine a dream scene as I was falling asleep again, and it worked! I was hovering over the road outside my house, my first ld for months :happy:
It only lasted a minute or so, because as soon as I tried to fly (Properly, not just hover) I woke up again, I guess I wasn’t deeply asleep enough. Atleast I remembered I wanted to try to fly, which is progress for me. Later I went on to fall asleep properly and had a full dream.

Anyway, my question is, how can I do it again? I’m not sure how I suddenly managed to plunge myself into a dream like that, and secondly, how do I stop myself from waking up again?

  1. Well, that’s a toughie to answer. However, it’s kinda like all things IWL. The first time you do it, it seems spectacular. The second time it gets easier, but you kinda have to try to remember what you did in the first place. Then the third time is easier. Then fourth. Etc.

Just keep plugging at it. Do the same thing you think you were doing. That’s how I got better at WILD.

  1. Well. Stabilize the dream first. That’s one of the things I almost always forget to do in a LD, and it can be a main factor as to how long LD’s are.

Try shouting something like “increase lucidity” when you become lucid, it really helps!!
If you feel that if you shout you will wake up, write it!
(I once tried shouting and I did it IRL so I woke up, but don’t worry, it won’t happen :bored: )

I had another one!!! :cool_laugh: (My 5th ld in a year, and second in four days lol)
I set my alarm an hour or so before I normaly get up for school, and i had a more spontanious LD, I didn’t focus on having one or anything. I didn’t remember to stabalize the dream, i don’t think I was lucid enough, still, it lasted longer. Then I had to get up :no:
Anyway, I seem to be doing something right :content: