WILD in car

well i get up at 5:50 for school and get to school at 6:30 then school starts at 7:30 so i just sleep in my car. So today i thought it would be a good time to try it since the times were right and such. So i get to school start sleeping and focusing my third eye a lil jus to add a lil more to it suddenly i got real tired and started to feel like i was sinking into my seat, but then lost it and fell asleep but had super vivid dreams that i woke up from and couldnt tell if it really happened or not thats how real it was. It was me driving around trying to find a parking spot, lol that was the dream. Is WILD here a good place to try.

In a car?! wow i can’t even do a succesful WILD in my bed how i gonna try in the car. Well for you can work but for me is impossible.

I get HI much more easy in a bus :cool: And I’ve been close to WILDing several times. But since the ride is only about 30 minutes and it takes about 15 minutes to get close to falling asleep, I have to make sure that I don’t sleep too deep and miss my stop :tongue: It seems to be more easy when you are sitting up since your mind tends to be more awake. Then again this might not work for everyone, but it’s easy to me to fall asleep in car or bus :tongue:

Sup Jarod my name is Jared also btw lol.

i dream pretty well in a car. i guess its because i dream best when i’m sleeping lightly? and i probably sleep pretty lightly in a car because… well… you can only sleep so well in a car. but i almost had a LD in a car once - one of those dreams in a dream… stupid failed reality check… why didnt i just… oh, anyways. yea.