I have tried the WILD technique to become lucid…and it sort of works, yet it doesn’t What I mean to say is: after a while I begin to feel paralysed and start hearing those sounds etc…but then I get a bit freaked out and I purposely wake up because of it :red: I just can’t seem to be able to get past that point. Am I the only one? What should I do so that I won’t get so scared?
Lucky you! … really.
You are sooooo close!
You are showing some real progress. How long have you been practicing?
First of all, you are not the only one.
Secondly, don’t be scared. … I know … easier said than done.
Ask yourself what you are afraid of. Are you spiritual? Say a prayer before going to bed next time. That should help you feel safe and dispell your fear.
The sensations you describe can be very brief. You are on the very edge of letting your body go to sleep. You go through this everynight anyways. You are just lucky enough to be “conscious” and aware of the changes. It’s natural. Your body is going to sleep, and your senses are turning inwards. It’s all completely natural. Trust that and your fears will subside.
Well I haven’t really been ‘practising’ this method as such; it used to happen quite often to me that I would wake up early in the morning (by chance), and after lying awake for a while, turning over etc. I would try to go back to sleep but then I used to feel myself going paralysed and see images/hearing noises etc…and I would force myself awake again. At that time I didn’t know what it was (only vaguely), and I suppose that’s why I used to resist it. It was only until recently that I found out that this is the WILD method that people keep talking about
Hmmm…I’ll try this technique properly now that I know more about it. I guess I’ll be less scared…after reading your reassuring post Thanks!
PS The only time I conciously tried the WILD method was this morning…after which I posted this topic.
How you can scared, WILDs is the best thing when talking about LDing.
Go for it, you won’t regret. Do not fear if your body starts to vibrate violently, or you start floating above your bed. And those strange WILD-sounds are perfectly normal thing to hear.
Thanks so much for the inspiration to try for another WILD. I thank you because after reading your post, I decided to try for a WILD last night, and was successful twice!!
The first LD was short. While I was very relaxed I began to feel my body get heavy. I knew I was close and just tried to “let go.” Almost instantly, I found myself flying down an interstate highway. It was a shock and very exhilarating. I was flying beside of a transfer truck … also known as a big rig or 18-wheeler. It seemed that was the only type of vehicle on this interstate. I seen 2, but had the impression that more were around me. I extended my arms in front of me superman style and accelerated past it. I had forgotten all about the bed I left behind, but the rush quickly ruined my lucidity and I was sadly reminded of it and woke up. My heart was still racing and I felt like it would be impossible to try for another WILD, or even go to sleep. Ofcourse I tried again and I had a second one.
The second one was more “slow.” I got to the point that you described above, or maybe a little more past that point. I felt my body asleep, and I felt very slight vibrations. I knew this was the point to “get up” and start walking around the dreamscape. I was right. I felt like I was in my room and it looked like my room. Yet, the slight vibrations reassured me that I was dreaming. It was very cool, but I was very dizzy. I tried walking and found myself in another dreamscape. An old lady was there, but I don’t remember anything we talked about. I remember sharing with her my discomfort. The dizziness grew crippling and a little scary. I felt like I was brain damaged and nothing was working right. I reluctantly decided to wake up and ruin my second WILD
I woke up, I thought, and was laying on my side with a pillow on my head. I thought “hey, that darn pillow was smothering me. No wonder the odd dream sensations.” So I decided to remove it and reposition myself. I reached my arm up and grabbed the pillow. my hand went through it. I tried again, but it was like grabbing empty air. I think this is my first ever experience with SP, very interesting. I tried about 10 times to removed that damn pillow from my head, but my “invisible” hands just reached through it. ha, how crazy feeling. Very quickly “my real eyes” opened. I found out that I was not sleeping on my side, but on my back, and it was not a pillow on my head … it was my arm!! I must have feel asleep with my arm blocking the light from my eyes.
After waking, the whole ordeal makes much sense to me now. My arm was numb from “falling asleep” from the odd position on my head and my eyes were sore from the arms weight. The uncomfortable position had incorporated itself into my dream as “dizziness” and “brain damage.” Dreams are very good protecting the physical body and they forced me to reposition myself.
From this experience I’ve got 3 more tips for people that try for a WILD.
-sleep in a very comfortable position and in comfortable loose clothes.
-When you get the vibrations, that is the point to try to start “moving” and “get up.” That’s how I notice it.
-the most important, fear in a WILD can be beneficial.
Yeah, I think WILD is the most effective technique to become lucid (provided you don’t get scared ). I have tried MILD several times but it never really worked for me
Glad to hear that WILD worked for you, DreamAddict Those were pretty cool LDs, even though they were shorter than you would have wanted them to be. What technique do you usually use though?
OK I’m going to try again tonight (morning actually). Hope it works for me too!
Midday naps are also a very good tech to become lucid…(weekend)lol!
Nice work DreamAddict! Nice lds…
I have on rare occasions pain in my dreambody and when i wake up afterwards…lol…its my real body thats in pain…like indeed an arm or leg is in a strange position…
I have kind of tried WILD, by simply relaxing and breathing steady, then I get this heavy feeling, but also I get a weird sensation of fear, and that kind of makes me wake up…
Now other times I have done same technique and relaxed when I go to sleep, I get into hypnogogia state and then once I realize it, i just wake up.
The usual way: RCs in the evening, normal sleep about 5-6 hours, getting up in the middle of the night for few minutes, couple RCs, back to bed, relaxation, hypnagogics, the ‘wild-sound’, trembling, getting out of the bed somehow and here we go!
Most of my WILDs are these ‘obe-wilds’, only about 10% starts normally through the hypnagogigs when the forming hypnagogic pictures turns into ‘real’ dream enviroment.
But I really like that obe-like start because I find the quality of LD much better when accessed using that way.
OBE-like WILDs are the best. The feeling is really amazing, but it can be frightful at first. I overcame my fear of WILD because of the numerous failed attempts. Before I used to fear anything I thought I saw or heard and got excited, but now I am so eager to have a WILD that nothing scares me anymore, and if anything I stay calm hoping to get through to the LD.
In the east they have something about a third eye? I know somewhere in India perhaps, they wear a red dot but I think that has something to do with maritial status. I just saw myself with a third eye within my LD and it kind of freaked me out. It was looking around all on it’s own and it was disgusting. Can you tell me more about this ‘third eye’?
SeanIRL: I’ve heard many people talk about going places upon falling asleep, and many claim that falling asleep is somewhat related to an OBE. I personally love the vibrations and falling, but my favourite part is when I step out of myself.