WILD isnt sleep?

The way people have been talking about this, theres a difference between sleeping, dreaming, and WILD.
Im confused… Please help? :eh:

They are all associated with sleep.
Sleeping means to be physically unconscious. One is mentally unconscious only in non-R.E.M.
Dreaming occurs in the R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep.
WILD is a technique for inducing lucid dreams.

I hope this post helps.

Alright so…
Sleeping is simply lying in bed. Your eyes closed and your body relaxed. Sleeping allows for your body to repair from the day.
Dreaming is an event that naturally comes with sleeping to keep the mind busy and to make the time that we spend sleeping go faster.

WILD is a technique used to get the mind from the Sleeping state into a LUCID Dreaming state. It involves you in keeping your conscious mind awake while your body goes into a Dreaming state. In other words, your body ends up dreaming, but your mind is awake.

Here are the stages as I view them:
Trying to fall asleep
Body: Awake, Relaxing
Mind: Awake, Relaxing
Regular sleeping (Before REM)
Body: Sleeping
Mind: Sleeping (Somewhat thoughtless)
Regular dreaming (During REM)
Body: Dreaming, Sleeping
Mind: Dreaming (Non-lucid), Sleeping
Lucid dreaming (During REM)
Body: Dreaming, Sleeping
Mind: Dreaming (Lucid), Awake

uThanx, It makes much more sense.

I am sure many of you have seen this but for those who haven’t here it is. I found this.
youtube.com/watch?v=-xHc2dWr … ure=relmfu

WILD and Lucid Dreaming is just like normal sleep. The only difference is that you are conscious, but physically - it’s all the same. No side effects or anything.

That is a great series of videos! I strongly recommend video 6 and/or 7, the one about meditation and lucid mindset :happy: