WILD isnt very wild for me...

When I try to WILD, I end up not sleeping. I do everything i can to keep my mind one track, and free of drifting, but it requires SOO much time! How long will i have to wait for the dreams to start when im a little sleepy?
After a while, it becomes even harder to concentrate on my one dream plan, or object. What can I do? The third eye doesnt work. I always end up sleeping without me knowing. I really want to WILD so that when im in that paralized state, or others i can use that to think about my dream structure that Pedro explained (VILD). How can i improve? Besides all the little tricks like watching the breathing, third eye…

what i usually do when i WILD, is that i count to 100 and within each number i say “im dreaming”…
usually i fall asleep after i’ve reached 50-80 :tongue: its kind of anyoing since i really want to go lucid

try different things and ways.

try counting Zorb mentiond, or maybe try concentrating on different parts of your body.

but remember - WILD is usually quite an advanced and hard way of inducing LD’s for most.

i’ve been trying to WILD for close to a year perhaps, and I have had only a select few successes.

and I envy anyone that can fall alseep with only having to count to a mere 80.

Seriusly? I mean, if I want I can fall asleep in a mere 30 secs a normal day. Usuly I just lay there about 20 minutes before I go away.

what im talking about is that i forget focusing on counting the numbers and just… fall asleep, perhaps i should try on another technique… :content:

wut up, the other night i had my first LD ever, first it was a DILD, from what i remember, then i woke up straight after i became lucid, i didnt move much and tried WBTB method, saying when im dreaming next i will realise and reconise that im dreaming, then bout 20 secs later my body started shaking/shiverin, and my eyes opened and i was lucid in the same dream as b 4, then it faded away, came back, faded away…woke up, and then the same thing happend again, WILD…funny though how this happend, i went to bed at 1am, and the dream started at about 1:50am…any one direct me to the topic of keeping lucidity in your dreams?? thx


I can’t nap during the day, I just keep getting myoclonic jerks and nothing ever happens.


do you excercise a lot? or… are you the type of person that sleeps the entire night without waking up?