[WILD] isn't working

Hi all, I’m somewhat new here, at least to the forums. I’ve been looking at the guide for awhile and been using the [WILD] method for sometime, like a few weeks now.

The closest I got to Lucid dreaming was during this one dream, somehow I walked through a wall. I thought to myself, “Maybe I should do a [RC]” but I opted out of doing it. :sad:

Anyway, I’ve been trying to use [WILD] with no avail. I see colored flashes and try to stay awake as long as possible, but I eventually go to sleep anyway…

Any recommendations?

You ARE suposed to sleep, however, you must try to keep your consciousness after sleep… Then you’'l become lucid…

Try to combine WILD with MILD, so when you start to fall asleep keep repeating to yourself: “I know that I’m dreaming” or anything like that that you prefer. Or “When I get stand up I WILL do a RC!”

Hope I may help…

Thanks, I’ll try that tonight.