welll most of you probably havent met me…but my name is Jake im 14 yrs old and am very interested in LD 's
ive had one,through the WILD method and another through the
VILD method. since i know lots of ppl have trouble finding all of the information they need…i am going to post a tutorial about Lucid Dreaming.It is based from information that i have read from this site and others. It teaches you how to initate WILD.
Step One
Increase your dream recall
The way you can go about doing this is to keep a dream diary.
i have one in the dream diary section on this forum.I reccomend you [Aspiring dreamer] make one as well.
I also reccomend you keep a diary beside your bed.
tell yourself before you sleep; “I will remember my dream tonight,once i wake up i will write it dowm”. think this over and over until you fall asleep. Evauntually, you will have gret dream recall and will be able to remember just about all of your dreams.
Step Two
Setting your mind to WILD
You are probably very excited about this…but be patient…
question the reality arond you during the day when you are awake…This will help you remember to do it while you are dreaming…read up other tutorials on lucidity…read books read anything you can about it. Have confidence in yourself,
be proud of who you are. These states of confidence will ready you for WILD.
Step Three
The Big Night
This is it…your going to WILD
Make sure you say Im going to realize im dreaming…not i WANT to lucid dream tonight…that will place your mind in the wrong mindset.
well…onto the technique
Lay down on your bed,[i reccomend on your back] comfortable as possible,i also reccomend you do this relaxation exercise.
close your eyes…flex your leg muscles…and release
work up to the muscles in your thighs…release…tense and relax until you are completly relaxed.Now close your eyes, and focus on the lids of them…its very unlikley that you are seeing only darkness…these patterns and colors are known as HI
[scroll cursor over HI to find meaning] dont focus on it…watch it passively ignore any other thoughts…let your mind be clear as you start to slip away from consciousness…remember to stay focused…b/c you may begin to see HH or go into SP do not be alarmed, it is normal
eveuantally…you shoud slip into the dream world…from there… do what you please…as this dream can be under your control…but do not be too excited…this can cause you to wake up…if you find yourself excited…spin your perspective in the dream…breathe deeply…
I have one last thing to explain…false awakenings…the main reason i asked you to practice those RC’s…if you find yourself in your bed…perform a couple of RC’s if you find yourself to be dreaming…enjoy the rest of your time in the dream world…if you are awake…i hope you had a nice LD…well thts most of what i know about LD’s…thank you for reading
Scroll over all acronyms to find out meaning
[Note To Q and mods… i dont know if im allowed to post in the library…im not a librarian…would like to be though…]