WILD - Just a few questions

Hi there!

Just wanted to ask a few questions in regard to the WILD Technique

Little backstory - New to LD Using WILD ( started WILD and then read that it may be harder for people , Doing RC checks anyway after reading about it on the main website ), - Two days ago I was in bed, stayed still, ignored the itches and got the vibrations, head felt heavy and then I went blank and woke up at 3:43am - The only thing I can remember is seeing a bright light and possibly being in a field. Odd thing is, Normally I remember all of my dreams and when I get out of bed, They fade rapidly unless I choose to “store them”.

Question 1 is - Is this normal? I understand I am well in the early stages of LD but I don’t remember anything and waking up early I read may have been a sign that I freaked out during being lucid. I did RC checks when I woke up to check if it was a False Awakening and it wasn’t so I went back to sleep.

The next night I did the same, Vibrations came and going “into” the dream went a little faster however when I woke up at 5am with no recollection of any dreams. I woke up later than before which puzzles me and yet is intreguing. I went back to sleep normally and no dream occurred then either.

Question 2 - Does this mean my body handled it better or something ( due to the increase in sleep time )? If I go to sleep normally, I usually have a dream every night which makes this strange as I woke up and it was like nothing happened ( like the previous day as well ). Do beginner LD’s have “void” dreams in which nothing happens?

Kinda can’t do most of the others as i’m a student at school and reading about WILD seemed to make it the best for me ( followed straight by MILD ). Committed to getting it to work and prepared to put the time in. Just wanted to ask about the “void” dreams and what I can expect for the first few nights.


Have you worked on dream recall at all? You said that you usually remember all your normal dreams, so if you have, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to remember lucid ones, especially considering they usually have more of an impact.

At what time are you trying to WILD, and what techniques are you using to keep yourself awake?

I’ve got a Dream Diary set up right next to my bed except when I wake up, I normally remember whatever happened during the dream and I can remember dreams that i’ve stored that i’ve had years ago ( the ones that have felt the most real mostly ).

I usually go to bed around 10:30pm and I normally lie down, remain absolutely still and count my breaths on exhale in my head. I’m usually pretty tired around this time and normally can fall asleep within 10 minutes or so.

In that case it’s probably because you’re attempting to WILD at night. With the phases that your sleeping brain goes through at that time (NREMs), dreams/lucid dreams that happen at that time are really hazy and vague.

The best time to WILD tends to be around 4-6 hours after you’ve gone to sleep. Set an alarm, wake up, then WILD from there. You’ll be thrown straight into a dream at the start of a new REM period.

Okay doke, Cheers, Will attempt that tonight

Yes! Try it when you wake up at night, not at the beginning of your sleep! :content:

And not to worry about those empty nights where you don’t have any recall. Happens to me, and I bet many others, too when failing at a WILD.