Hi there!
Just wanted to ask a few questions in regard to the WILD Technique
Little backstory - New to LD Using WILD ( started WILD and then read that it may be harder for people , Doing RC checks anyway after reading about it on the main website ), - Two days ago I was in bed, stayed still, ignored the itches and got the vibrations, head felt heavy and then I went blank and woke up at 3:43am - The only thing I can remember is seeing a bright light and possibly being in a field. Odd thing is, Normally I remember all of my dreams and when I get out of bed, They fade rapidly unless I choose to “store them”.
Question 1 is - Is this normal? I understand I am well in the early stages of LD but I don’t remember anything and waking up early I read may have been a sign that I freaked out during being lucid. I did RC checks when I woke up to check if it was a False Awakening and it wasn’t so I went back to sleep.
The next night I did the same, Vibrations came and going “into” the dream went a little faster however when I woke up at 5am with no recollection of any dreams. I woke up later than before which puzzles me and yet is intreguing. I went back to sleep normally and no dream occurred then either.
Question 2 - Does this mean my body handled it better or something ( due to the increase in sleep time )? If I go to sleep normally, I usually have a dream every night which makes this strange as I woke up and it was like nothing happened ( like the previous day as well ). Do beginner LD’s have “void” dreams in which nothing happens?
Kinda can’t do most of the others as i’m a student at school and reading about WILD seemed to make it the best for me ( followed straight by MILD ). Committed to getting it to work and prepared to put the time in. Just wanted to ask about the “void” dreams and what I can expect for the first few nights.