I’ve never actually preformed WILD correctly, so I was wondering how easy a WILD nap would be in comparison to a WBTB WILD? I’m guessing it would be harder, but I’d like to try it out, maybe practice it for a while.
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I’ve never actually preformed WILD correctly, so I was wondering how easy a WILD nap would be in comparison to a WBTB WILD? I’m guessing it would be harder, but I’d like to try it out, maybe practice it for a while.
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People say WILD with WBTB is easier, because the REM state is easier to reach there and your body is still sleepy, whilst your mind is conscious. But for me it feels easier to do a nap WILD. I’m a person that can reach the dream state very fast (I often just close my eyes a bit when I’m really tired and find myself unlucid in a dreamset) and therefore, I think nap WILDs are pretty good.
It depends all on the persons, but you can try both and build your own opinion.
thanks a bunch
I was going to try it right now, but as soon as I laid down everyone in my house decided to be really loud
Ha. Talk about ironic.
Anyway, I find WILD’ing during naps easy if I’m listening to loud music with my headphones (more irony?). Except in those dreams, I usually enter via HI, and I usually can only hear the music. I’m deaf to all other sounds from the dream…
Because I’m not one to wake up so easily at 5AM, I find WILDing while taking naps easier, and not as difficult to do But that’s just my opinion. How about try it bolth ways and see how they bolth work for you? ^^
I usually don’t take naps and I find it quite difficult to sleep during the day. I never tried to WILD during the day and never actually had an intentional WILD, so I don’t know which is more difficult, but maybe nap WILDing would be a good thing for me to try…
Every time I’ve had WILD has been on accident and while napping…so I guess I’ll say napping, for me. It seems much easier. When I try WBTB I always give up…or fail and fall asleep.
humm. Well then, I’m certainly leaning towards napping. I think some explanation is in order.
When I was first starting out, I used WILD. I must have somehow missed the importance of doing it either during a nap, or WBTB, so I tried to do it at bedtime. two and a half months with no progress.
I adopted MILD, and had some success with that, and reached my golden age, where I had at very least one LD a week. This lasted nigh on a year. Then came the dry spell. An entire summer passed, and I had but 2 lucid dreams. I lost my dream recall, and my motivation to continue.
Now I’m back, and since I have a greater understanding of the techniques now, I’m gunna give WILD another shot. Except this time, I’m getting all the facts before I start