I am currently using the WILD tech to see if I can induce LDing straight from being concious. I’m not having much luck with it, althoug I got really close last night, but kind of fell off. Any way, since I am still very new to LDing, should I stick with MILD for a while, then move onto WILD once I become more familiar? With the MILD’s I had 2 LD’s every other night, but I want to be able to LD at will, and WILD seems to be the key to that.
My questions are; How long does it take to become decent with the WILD technique? And, would you recomend me doing a simpler technique like MILD to get better associated with LDing?
You can go lucid at will by any method once you fully master it. So really it depends on you, your preference and the amount of time you put into it. To be sure a certain method is good for you i would advice to keep doing it for at least a month, if you have not made some progress by then better discard it.
I think the some techs work better for some people and others don’t work at all. I would suggest that you try different techs for a while and stay with the one that seems to work for you
I always say, go with what works for you. If you are having good success with MILD then, why not stick with that? Once you have mastered the MILD technique you will be able to LD at will just as easily as with WILD. There seams to be a lot of mysticism surrounding the WILD technique. Lots of people seem to think that WILD produces the best lucid dreams, can LD at will etc. Those beliefs are completely untrue. All of these techniques are equal and all can produce very high level lucid dreams.
Thanks for all the help. I have been doing WILD for about a month, and have been progressing slowly. I would like to see a WILD LD and be able to compare it, also like to mention that I have done it before on mistake before I knew about LDing. Maybe I should take a break from it for about a few weeks then.
Went back to using MILD’s, man I guess that is my catalyst because I had three last night. Should I wait a while to try WILDing? Or should I just stick to MILD’s because they work?
First, it is possible to LD at will with MILD. Secondly are you someone who falls asleep quickly or some that takes a long time. If you are somone that takes a long time to fall asleep than WILD is probably not for you.
i tried wild the other day, and i tensed my muscles in my feet and took a breath in and stopped tensing my feet and breathed out. and did that with all my body. and then after laying there for a few minutes i noticed that i could feel what only can be described as…as if something was pulling my chin and neck downwards it was like my neck and chin where sinking.
That defiantly sounds like the beginning of SP setting which is a good thing for WILD. Did you start to feel numb anywhere on your body, if so this almost guarentees that you were getting close to entering REM sleep.
Why not do both. There is no rule that says, “Thou shalt only practice one technique.” You could for example do MILD at bedtime and then wake up later in your sleep cycle and do WILD/WBTB. Or vis versa.
Anyway congratulations on your lucid dreams.
I completely agree! You were making good progress there. At the very least, you were in a good trance and likely experienced the beginning of SP. Keep practicing!
Brilliant! I think I will give that a try. I was making some progress with WILD, but not enough for me to stick with it. I had another LD last night as well, which is four in 3 days. Practicing another method won’t interfere with the first method? If not then I’m going to try that.