WILD on back or side?

I was wondering if it is better WILD on your back or side. i fall asleep on my side so i think it might be better. when i do the 1 im dreaming 2 im dreaming 3 im dreaming thing i get really close to going to sleep and then realize im not counting anymore, i fall asleep.

Any positions can work well with WILD, but in your case… I recommend you to lay on your back because it’s a unusual position for you; thus, you remain to be alert longer. You have to be aggressive and be patient.

Good luck! :biggrin:

Well im the ones who is constantly changing positions but sometimes i get in back and sometimes in side.

When im in back i just think im dead(lol).

this morning i set my alarm clock for 4:00 am and woke up and then tried wild and i did it on my side and fell asleep, i think ill do it again tomorrow morning but on my back.


when I am just trying to fall asleep I usually fall asleep quicker on my side, thus it is better for WILD from awakness to bed, I also dont seem to have HI when on my side wierd. for me personally though. On times that I use WBTB on my back seems to work better because I am tired to begin with.

When I try to do it I go on my side. I think it’s more comfortable and there’s less of a chance of imagining “scary things” coming down at you. :grin:

what about on your stomach? i always try on my back but sometimes causes me discomfort and my eyes open mid way. i havent tried on my side yet but it seems too comfortable so i think id go to sleep realy quickly.

last night i had a light on i my closet with the door closed. I tried wild and then the light coming from the sides of the closet door was anoying me so i went to go turn it off and the light switch was already down. I got so excited, i thought i might be dreaming but it turns out i had a lamp on in the closet. darn! lol

I always find I fall asleep on my side. But I get uncomfortable on my back.

I’ve always wondered this myself though, and now I have an answer :smile: